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appEditionRename.py script

We can use the appEditionRename.py script to change the edition of all applications installed on a server or a cluster, excluding system applications.


The appEditionRename.py script is in the app_server_root/bin directory.


The following syntax describes the default script usage:



Renames all non-system applications installed on a specified cluster.

Argument Description
newEdition New edition name
cluster Name of the target cluster


Renames all non-system applications installed on a specified server.

Argument Description
node Name of the node
server Name of the server on the node



Allows users to preview the applications that will be renamed. All applications that will be renamed are listed.


Edition of an application.


Allows users to exclude applications that are not to be modified. For example, if a user wants to exclude the applications of app1 and app1 that are part of edition two, then the user would set -excludedApps=app1,app1-editiontwo.


  1. Identify the target cluster with applications to be renamed.

    Run the script with the -test option to identify the applications that will be renamed.

      -renameForCluster cluster1 2 -test

  2. Ensure that only expected applications are renamed.

    If applications need to be excluded, use the -excludedApps option to prevent the applications from being renamed.

      -renameForCluster cluster1 2 -test -excludedApps=AppB,AppC,AppD-edition2

  3. Run the script without the -test option to rename the applications.

      -renameForCluster cluster1 2 -excludedApps=AppB,AppC,AppD-edition2

Related concepts

  • Dynamic clusters

    Related tasks

  • Create dynamic clusters