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Intelligent Management: middleware server template administrative tasks

Use middleware server template administrative tasks to create server templates for middleware servers that we have created.

Use the following commands to create middleware server templates:

createApacheServerTemplate command

The createApacheServerTemplate command creates a new server template based on an existing Apache server representation.

Target object

Required parameters


Name of the server template to create. (String, required)


Server from which to base the template. (String, required)


Node on which the specified server runs. (String, required)


Specifies a description for the template.


Location where to place the template.

Return value

This command returns the configuration ID of a new template.

Batch mode example

createForeignServerTemplate command

The createForeignServerTemplate command creates a new server template based on an existing custom HTTP server representation.

Target object

Required parameters


Name of the server template to create. (String, required)


Server from which to base the template. (String, required)


Node on which the specified server runs. (String, required)


Specifies a description for the template.


Location where to place the template.

Return value

This command returns the configuration ID of a new template.

Batch mode example

createLibertyServerTemplate command

The createLibertyServerTemplate command creates a new server template based on an existing Liberty profile server representation.

Target object

Required parameters


Name of the server template to create. (String, required)


Server from which to base the template. (String, required)


Node on which the specified server runs. (String, required)


Specifies a description for the template.


Location where to place the template.

Return value

This command returns the configuration ID of a new template.

Batch mode example

createJBossServerTemplate command

The createJBossServerTemplate command creates a new server template based on an existing JBoss server representation.

Target object

Required parameters


Name of the server template to create. (String, required)


Server from which to base the template. (String, required)


Node on which the specified server runs. (String, required)


Specifies a description for the template.


Location where to place the template.

Return value

This command returns the configuration ID of a new template.

Batch mode example

createTomCatServerTemplate command

The createTomCatServerTemplate command creates a new server template based on an existing Apache Tomcat server representation.

Target object

Required parameters


Name of the server template to create. (String, required)


Server from which to base the template. (String, required)


Node on which the specified server runs. (String, required)


Specifies a description for the template.


Location where to place the template.

Return value

This command returns the configuration ID of a new template.

Batch mode example

createWasCEServerTemplate command

The createWasCEServerTemplate command creates a new server template based on an existing WebSphere Application Server Community Edition server representation.

Target object

Required parameters


Name of the server template to create. (String, required)


Server from which to base the template. (String, required)


Node on which the specified server runs. (String, required)


Specifies a description for the template.


Location where to place the template.

Return value

This command returns the configuration ID of a new template.

Batch mode example

createWebLogicServerTemplate command

The createWebLogicServerTemplate command creates a new server template based on an existing BEA WebLogic server representation.

Target object

Required parameters


Name of the server template to create. (String, required)


Server from which to base the template. (String, required)


Node on which the specified server runs. (String, required)


Specifies a description for the template.


Location where to place the template.

Return value

This command returns the configuration ID of a new template.

Batch mode example

Related tasks

  • Create middleware server templates

  • Intelligent Management: middleware server creation administrative tasks