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wsif.properties file - Initial contents

The Web Services Invocation Framework (WSIF) properties are stored in the com.ibm.ws.runtime.jar file, in a properties file named wsif.properties. We might have to modify the contents of this file, for example to change the default SOAP provider, so for reference here is a copy of the "as shipped" contents of the wsif.properties file.

The com.ibm.ws.runtime.jar file is located in the app_server_root/plugins directory, where app_server_root is the root directory for the installation of IBM WebSphere Application Server.

We must keep the wsif.properties file on the class path, so that WSIF can find it and the client administrator can use it to configure WSIF. However if we make any changes to the file, we do not replace the original copy in the com.ibm.ws.runtime.jar file. Instead, you save the modified version in the app_server_root/lib/properties directory.

The following code is the initial contents of the wsif.properties file. All the possible properties are listed and described.

# Two properties are used to override which WSIFProvider is selected when there
# exists multiple providers supporting the same namespace URI. These properties are:  #
#    wsif.provider.default.CLASSNAME=N
#    wsif.provider.uri.M.CLASSNAME=URI
# CLASSNAME is the WSIFProvider class name # N is the number of following default wsif.provider.uri.M.CLASSNAME properties  # M is a number from 1 to N to uniquely identify each wsif.provider.uri.M.CLASSNAME
#   property key.
# For example the following two properties would override the default SOAP provider  # to be the Apache SOAP provider:
# wsif.provider.default.org.apache.wsif.providers.soap.ApacheSOAP.WSIFDynamicProvider_ApacheSOAP=1
# wsif.provider.uri.1.org.apache.wsif.providers.soap.ApacheSOAP.WSIFDynamicProvider_ApacheSOAP=\
# http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/
 # maximum number of milliseconds to wait for a response to a synchronous request.  # Default value if not defined is to wait forever.
# Timeout properties are only used by providers that support timeouts.
 # maximum number of seconds to wait for a response to an async request.  # if not defined on invalid defaults to no timeout   # Timeout properties are only used by providers that support timeouts.

To enable the existing web services to continue to work with WSIF, we might have to change the default WSIF SOAP provider back to the former Apache SOAP provider.

Related tasks

  • Secure WSIF
  • Change the default WSIF SOAP provider

  • Web Services Invocation Framework troubleshooting tips