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Manage operator message routing

Use the product message routing capabilities to control server traffic flow.

We can route many of the BBO prefixed error messages to specific datasets instead of having them go to SYSLOG, which can create a lot of traffic. This is implemented with the use of two environment variables, ras_default_msg_dd and ras_hardcopy_msg_dd, and the specification of the appropriate DD statement in the JCL start procedure.

The following explains, in more detail how messages get routed.

To use these message routing variables, you must do two things:

  1. Add these parameters to the server definitions using the Administrative Console under Environment -> Manage WebSphere Variables:

    • ras_default_msg_dd =DEFALTDD

    • ras_hardcopy_msg_dd =HRDCPYDD

    We can set these variables for individual control and servant processes, but it is easier to set them in the Environment variables for the entire cell. For the Daemon, prefix them with "DAEMON_" and set them at the cell level:

    • DAEMON_ras_default_msg_dd =DEFALTDD

    • DAEMON_ras_hardcopy_msg_dd =HRDCPYDD

  2. Update the procedures in PROCLIB to add these new DD statements:
    //* Output DDs

For example, these DD files are used to segregate the messages and keep almost all of them off the hardcopy console (SYSLOG):

  1. JESMSGLG - a few start-up and shut-down messages

  2. JESYSMSG - MVS™ allocation and deallocation messages

  3. SYSOUT - a few start-up and shut-down messages

  4. SYSPRINT - a few start-up and shut-down messages

  5. HRDCPYDD - audit messages that would normally go to SYSLOG

  6. DEFALTDD - informational messages that would normally go to SYSLOG

Related tasks

  • Choose diagnostic information sources
  • Diagnosing problems (using diagnosis tools)
  • Use basic or traditional message logs to troubleshoot applications

  • Application server custom properties for z/OS Reference topic