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logViewer command-line tool

Use the logViewer command to query the contents of the High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL) log and trace repositories. We can also use the logViewer command to view new log and trace repository entries as the server writes content to them.

The High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL) facility writes to the log and trace repositories in a binary format. We can view, query and filter the repository using the logViewer command. The logViewer command provides options for converting HPEL logs into a text file in various formats, including basic, advanced, and Common Base Event format. We can filter what log records we want by level, logger name, or date and time.

To view the full contents of our log and trace repositories:

Optional parameters

Filtering considerations

Be aware of logViewer filtering optimizations. The logViewer tool is able to filter log and trace data most efficiently when used with the following filter options:

Example usage

(ZOS) On z/OS operating systems where multiple processes exist, we must provide the instance ID to identify which process we want to view logs and trace from. The instance ID of a controller is represented by a numeric value while the instance ID of a servant is represented by a combination of a numeric value, job name, job ID, and process ID. To obtain a list of valid instance IDs, run logViewer with the -listInstances option.