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Sample Common Base Event template

The content handler uses template information to fill in blanks in the Common Base Event when the Common Base Event complete method is called.

Components that use the WAS event factory home can include a Common Base Event template XML file to provide data to populate Common Base Events. Information that is already supplied in the event is not overridden if the same field is supplied in the template.

The following example illustrates a Common Base Event template:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <TemplateEvent    version="1.0.1"    xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
  <CommonBaseEvent    <sourceComponentId application="My Application" component="com.ibm.componentX"/>
  <extendedDataElements name="Sample ExtendedDataElement name" type="string">
   <values>Sample ExtendedDataElement value</values>

Related concepts

  • The Common Base Event in WebSphere Application Server

    Related tasks

  • Add logging and tracing to the application

  • Common Base Event structure