Audit support
This topic gives an overview of how to use audit support.
Auditing is performed using SMF records issued by RACF or an equivalent External Security Manager. This means that SMF audit records are cut as part of the WAS use of SAF interfaces and RACROUTE macros.
WebSphere Application Server for z/OS makes use of the following RACROUTE macros:
- RACROUTE REQUEST AUTH (and FASTAUTH) - to check if a user is authorized to a class
- RACROUTE REQUEST LIST - to check if the FASTAUTH routines can use the in-storage copies of the general-resource profiles for authorization checking
- RACROUTE REQUEST STAT - to determine if certain classes are active
and of the following SAF APIs:
- initACEE (IRRSIA00) - to manage ACEEs
- R_usermap (IRRSIM00) - map a Kerberos principal name to a RACF user ID
For more information on the SMF auditability of the RACROUTE and SAF API calls that WAS uses, refer to the RACROUTE Macro Reference documentation and the Security Server RACF Callable Services documentation, respectively, in the z/OS Information Center that is appropriate for the version of z/OS.
and the corresponding data that is written to each part of the ACEE X500NAME field. The following table lists the various security authentication mechanisms and the corresponding data that is written to each part of the ACEE X500NAME field (this data is also
In addition to tracking by MVS userid, events need to be traced to an originating userid. This is especially true for originating userids that are not MVS-based, such as EJB Roles, Kerberos principals, and Custom Registry principals.Authentication mechanism Service name Authenticated identity Custom Registry WebSphere Custom Registry Custom registry principal name Kerberos Kerberos for WebSphere Application Server Kerberos principal, in the "DCE" format used for extracting the corresponding MVS™ userid using IRRSIM00 (/.../realm/principal) RunAs Rolename WebSphere Role Name Role name RunAs Server WebSphere Server Credential MVS userid Trust Interceptor WebSphere Authorized Login MVS userid RunAs Userid/Password WebSphere Userid/Password MVS Userid
Related tasks
Collecting job-related information with the System Management Facility (SMF)
Related information:
MVS System Management Facilities (SMF)
z/OS Security Server RACF Auditor's Guide
Reference topic