SMF Subtype 9: Request Activity record
The purpose of the Request Activity SMF record is to record activity running inside the product. This record is produced whenever a server receives a request.
When you do capacity planning, we need to look at the costs involved in running requests and how many requests you process over a set period of time. We can use the SMF Subtype 9 record to monitor which requests are associated with which applications, how many requests you get, and how much resource each request uses. We can also use this record to identify the application involved, and the CPU time that the request consumes. Because a new record is created for each request, we can determine the number of requests that you get over a specific length of time.
After you collect these SMF records for awhile, you should be able to project the future system requirements. For example, you might look at the data that was collected for a specific application, and project what the CPU requirements will be as the number of users accessing that application increases. The data that was collected might also be useful if you are charging a third party to use this application, because the record indicates the resources that were used and who used them.
The default Subtype 9 record contains all of the information that you should need to properly monitor the performance of the Enterprise JavaBeans(EJB), and web applications. We can specifically request other data, such as the formatted time stamp data, security data, or CPU usage data. However, collecting that data adds to the system overhead required to collect the data that populates these sections of the record.
We can activate this record through the administrative console by setting server_SMF_request_activity_enabled=1 (or server_SMF_request_activity_enabled=true).
If we do not want these records to be generated, we can set server_SMF_request_activity_enabled=0 (or server_SMF_request_activity_enabled=false), which turns off the creation of this SMF record type. This is the default value for this property.
Request activity record schema
The record header is the same for every Subtype 9 record created by the same controller. The following triplets section appears for every record that the controller generates.
The Request Activity record is divided into the following sections.
Platform neutral server information section
section. This section contains information about the server
Offset (decimal) Offset (hexadecimal) Name Length Format Description 0 0 SM1209BG 4 binary The version of the Server information 4 4 SM1209BH 8 EBCDIC Cell short name 12 C SM1209BI 8 EBCDIC Node short name 20 14 SM1209BJ 8 EBCDIC Cluster short name 28 1C SM1209BK 8 EBCDIC Server short name 36 24 SM1209BL 4 EBCDIC Server or controller PID 40 28 SM1209BM 1 binary Product version level (the w in the format w.x.y.z) 41 29 SM1209BN 1 binary Product release level (the x in the format w.x.y.z) 42 2A SM1209BO 1 binary Part of the product modification level (the y in the format w.x.y.z) 43 2B SM1209BP 1 binary Part of the product modification level (the z in the format w.x.y.z) 44 2C * 32 * Reserved
z/OServer information section
where the request was dispatched. One of these sections in included
Offset (decimal) Offset (hexadecimal) Name Length Format Description 0 0 SM1209BQ 4 binary The version of the server information 4 4 SM1209BR 8 EBCDIC The name of the system on which the product is running (CVTSNAME) 12 C SM1209BS 8 EBCDIC The name of the sysplex on which the product is running 20 14 SM1209BT 8 EBCDIC The job name for the controller 28 1C SM1209BU 8 EBCDIC The job ID for the controller 36 24 SM1209BV 8 binary The STOKEN for the controller 44 2C SM1209BW 2 binary Controller ASID 46 2E SM1209GE 2 binary Contains the following flags:
- SMF SM1209GF (bit 1) CPU Usage Overflow if turned on, the CPU usage section exceeded 30, which is the maximum number of sections allowed. Some of the data was lost.
- SMF1209GG (bit 2) CEEGMTO failed/unavailable if turned on, the GMT offsets failed to be retrieved from the CEEGMTO API or the CEEGMTO API was not available.
- Bits 3-16 are reserved
48 30 SM1209BX 20 binary The cluster UUID 68 44 SM1209BY 20 binary The server UUID 88 58 SM1209BZ 8 EBCDIC The daemon group name 96 60 SM1209CA 4 binary The hours portion of the LE GMT offset. The value is obtained from the CEEGMTO API if you are running in 31-bit mode. The field contains all zeros if the CEEGMTO API fails or is unavailable, or if you are running in 64-bit mode. The CEEGMTO API is not supported in 64-bit mode. In these situations, flag SM1209FJ is turned on to indicate that the zeros in this field are not valid GMT offsets. 100 64 SM1209CB 4 binary The minutes portion of the LE GMT offset. The value is obtained from the CEEGMTO API if you are running in 31-bit mode. The field contains all zeros if the CEEGMTO API fails or is unavailable, or if you are running in 64-bit mode. The CEEGMTO API is not supported in 64-bit mode. In these situations, flag SM1209FJ is turned on to indicate that the zeros in this field are not valid GMT offsets. 104 68 SM1209CC 8 binary The seconds portion of the LE GMT offset. The value is obtained from the CEEGMTO API if you are running in 31-bit mode. The field contains all zeros if the CEEGMTO API fails or is unavailable, or if you are running in 64-bit mode. The CEEGMTO API is not supported in 64-bit mode. In these situations, flag SM1209FJ is turned on to indicate that the zeros in this field are not valid GMT offsets. 112 70 SM1209CD 8 binary The system GMT offset. The value is obtained from the CVTLDTO API. 120 78 SM1209HV 16 EBCDIC The service level (expanded) 120 78 SM1209CE 8 EBCDIC The service level 136 88 * 20 Reserved
Platform neutral request information section
section. This section provides request information that
Offset (decimal) Offset (hexadecimal) Name Length Format Description 0 0 SM1209CF 4 binary The version of the request information 4 4 SM1209CG 4 binary The PID of the dispatch servant 8 8 SM1209CH 8 binary The ID of the dispatched task. This value is returned from pthread_self. 16 10 SM1209CI 8 binary The amount of CPU time, in microseconds, used by dispatch TCB. This field might contain a negative value if field SM1209CJ contains a value other than 0. 24 18 SM1209CJ 4 binary The completion minor code. A value of 0indicates that the request successfully completed. If a value other than 0is present, a problem occurred during processing of the request. 28 1C * 4 * Reserved 32 20 SM1209CK 4 binary The type of request that was processed: 0indicates that the request type is not known
1indicates that the request was an IIOP request
2indicates that the request was an HTTP request
3indicates that the request was an HTTPS request
4indicates that the request was a MDB Plan "A" request. A Plan "A" request is an MDB request from a listener port that is listening in the controller.
5indicates that the request was a MDB Plan "B" request. A Plan "B" request is an MDB request from a listener port that is listening in the servant.
6indicates that the request was a MDB Plan "C" request. A Plan "C" request is an MDB request from an activation specification that is listening in the adjunct.
7indicates that the request was a SIP request
8indicates that the request was a SIPS request
9indicates that the request was an MBean request
10indicates that the request was an OTS request
11indicates that the request was an internal request
12indicates that the request was an Optimized Local Adapters (OLA) request.
36 24 * 32 * Reserved
z/OS request information section
There are several field descriptions within the following table that reference the z/OS WLM IWMEQTME API. You should refer to the z/OS documentation for more specific information about the content of these fields.gotcha
1.7. If you are running the product on z/OSVersion 1.7, fields that normally contain zIIP and zAAP enclave information,
Offset (decimal) Offset (hexadecimal) Name Length Format Description 0 0 SM1209CL 4 binary The version of the request information 4 4 SM1209CM 16 S390STCKE The time that the request was received 20 14 SM1209CN 16 S390STCKE The time that the request was added to the queue 36 24 SM1209CO 16 S390STCKE The time that the request was dispatched 52 34 SM1209CP 16 S390STCKE The time that the dispatch completed 68 44 SM1209CQ 16 S390STCKE The time that the controller finished processing the request response 84 54 SM1209CR 8 EBCDIC The job name for the dispatch servant 92 5C SM1209CS 8 EBCDIC The job ID for the dispatch servant 100 64 SM1209CT 8 binary The STOKEN for the dispatch servant 108 6C SM1209CU 2 binary The ASID for the dispatch servant 110 6E * 2 * Reserved for alignment 112 70 SM1209CV 4 binary The address of the dispatch TCB 116 74 SM1209CW 16 binary The TTOKEN for the dispatch TCB 132 84 SM1209CX 8 binary The amount of CPU time that was spent on non-standard CPs, such as the System z Application Assist Processor (zAAP) and z9 Integrated Information Processor (zIIP). This value is obtained from the TIMEUSED API. A value of -1 displays in this field if
- A value cannot be obtained from the TIMEUSED service.
- The level of z/OS on which we are running is not Version 1.9 with APAR OA20758 applied, or Version 1.10 or higher.
This field might also contain a negative value if field SM1209CJ contains a value other than 0.
140 8C SM1209CY 8 binary The enclave token 148 94 SM1209CZ 32 * Reserved 180 B4 SM1209DA 8 binary The enclave CPU time at the end of the dispatch of this request, as reported by the CPUTIME parameter of the IWMEQTME API. The units are in TOD format. 188 BC SM1209DB 8 binary The enclave zAAP CPU time at the end of the dispatch of this request, as reported by the ZAAPTIME parameter of the IWMEQTME API. The value is zero if the PTF for z/OS APAR OA22160 is not installed on the system. 196 C4 SM1209DC 8 binary The amount of CPU time at the end of the dispatch of this request that is spent on a regular CP that could have been run on a zAAP, but the zAAP was not available. This value is obtained from the ZAAPONCPTIME. field in the IWMEQTME macro. The value is zero if the PTF for z/OS APAR OA22160 is not installed on the system. 204 CC SM1209DD 8 binary The zIIP enclave that is on the CPU at the end of the dispatch of this request. This value is obtained from the ZIIPONCPTIME. field in the IWMEQTME macro. The value is zero if the PTF for z/OS APAR OA22160 is not installed on the system. 212 D4 SM1209DE 8 binary The zIIP Quality Time enclave that was on the CPU at the end of the dispatch of this request. This value is obtained from the ZIIPQUALTIME field in the IWMEQTME macro. The value is zero if the PTF for z/OS APAR OA22160 is not installed on the system. 220 DC SM1209DF 8 binary The eligible zIIP enclave that is on the CPU at the end of the dispatch of this request. This value is obtained from the ZIIPTIME field in the IWMEQTME macro. The value is zero if the PTF for z/OS APAR OA22160 is not installed on the system. 228 E4 SM1209DG 4 binary The zAAP normalization factor at the end of the dispatch of this request. This value is obtained from the ZAAPNFACTOR parameter of the IWMEQTME API. The value is zero if the PTF for z/OS APAR OA22160 is not installed on the system. 232 E8 SM1209DH 8 binary The amount of CPU time that was used by the enclave as reported by the CPUTIME parameter of the IWM4EDEL API 240 F0 SM1209DI 8 binary The delete zAAP CPU enclave. A value of 0indicates that the enclave was not deleted or not normalized. This value is obtained from the ZAAPTIME field in the IWM4EDEL macro. 248 F8 SM1209DJ 4 binary The enclave delete zAAP normalization factor as reported by the ZAAPNFACTOR parameter of the IWM4EDEL API. 252 FC * 4
Reserved 256 100 SM1209DK 8 EBCDIC The enclave delete zIIP time accumulated by the enclave as reported by the ZIIPTIME parameter of the IWM4EDEL API. A value of 0 indicates that the enclave was not deleted. 264 108 SM1209DL 8 EBCDIC The enclave delete zIIP Service accumulated by the enclave as reported by the ZIIPSERVICE parameter of the IWM4EDEL API. A value of 0 indicates that the enclave was not deleted or not normalized. 272 110 SM1209DM 8 EBCDIC The enclave delete zAAP Service accumulated by the enclave as reported by the ZAAPSERVICE parameter of the IWM4EDEL API. A value of 0 indicates that the enclave was not deleted. 280 118 SM1209DN 8 EBCDIC The enclave delete CPU service accumulated by the enclave as reported by the CPUSERVICE parameter of the IWM4EDEL API. A value of 0 indicates that the enclave was not deleted. 288 120 SM1209DO 4 EBCDIC The enclave delete Response Time ratio as reported by the RESPTIME_RATIO parameter of the IWM4EDEL API. A value of 0 indicates that the enclave was not deleted. 292 124 SM1209DP 12
Reserved for alignment 304 130 SM1209DQ 73 binary The global transaction ID (GTID) value 377 179 * 3 * Reserved for alignment 380 17C SM1209DR 4 binary The dispatch timeout value 384 180 SM1209DS 8 EBCDIC The transaction class, if one is being used 392 188 SM1209DT 4 binary Is either blank or contains the following flags: SM1209DU (bit 1) - if turned on, an enclave was created by this server for this request
SM1209DV (bit 2) - if turned on, the timeout value was given to the product by an external source instead of being taken from the configuration for the server
SM1209DW (bit 3) - if turned on, the transaction class value was given to the product by an external source instead of being taken from the configuration for the server
SM1209DX (bit 4) - if turned on, this is a one way IIOP request, for which a response is not expected
SM1209FJ (bit 7) - CEEGMTO failed/unavailable ((Use of SM1209GG is preferred because this section may not always be present.)
SM1209FK (bit 8) - if turned on, the classification_only_trace Reliability Availability and Serviceability (RAS) attribute indicated that classification level tracing is in effect for the application server. If we issued a modify TRACERECORD,OFF command, then the classification_only_trace is not in effect. The field is valid only if the SM1209CL field is greater than or equal to 2.
SM1209FM (bit 9) - if turned on, the server wide environment variable or the SMF_request_activity_enabled RAS attribute indicated to collect an SMF 120 subtype 9 record. If you issued a modify command to stop the collection, the SMF 120 subtype 9 record was not collected. The field is valid only if the SM1209CL field is greater than or equal to 2.
SM1209FN (bit 10) - if turned on, the server wide environment variable or the SMF_request_activity_timestamps RAS attribute indicated to include the time stamp section in the SMF 120 subtype 9 record. If we issued a modify command to turn off the timestamp section, the SMF record does not contain the timestamp section. The field is valid only if the SM1209CL field is greater than or equal to 2.
392 188 SM1209DT 4 binary (continued) SM1209FO (bit 11) - if turned on, the server wide environment variable or the SMF_request_activity_security RAS attribute indicated to include the security data section in the SMF 120 subtype 9 record. If we issued a modify command to turn off the security data section, the SMF record does not contain the security data section. The field is valid only if the SM1209CL field is greater than or equal to 2.
SM1209FP (bit 12) - if turned on, the server wide environment variable or the SMF_request_activity_CPU_detail RAS attribute indicated to include the CPU usage breakdown section in the SMF 120 subtype 9 record. If we issued a modify command to turn off the CPU usage breakdown section, the SMF record does not contain the CPU usage breakdown section. The field is valid only if the SM1209CL field is greater than or equal to 2.
SM1209FQ (bit 13) - if turned on, the propagate_transaction_name attribute indicated to use the Customer Information Control System (CICS) transaction name as the workload management (WLM) transaction class for the optimized local adapter request. The field is valid only if the SM1209CL field is greater than or equal to 2.
Bits 14 - 32 are reserved
396 18C * 32 * Reserved 428 1AC SM1209FR 4 binary The numerical value corresponds to the value of the stalled_thread_dump_action RAS attribute: 0for none, 1for javacore, 2for heapdump, 3for traceback, 4for svcdump, and 5for javatdump. The field is valid only if the SM1209CL field is greater than or equal to 2.
432 1B0 SM1209FS 4 binary The numerical value corresponds to the value of the cputimeused_dump_action RAS attribute: 0for none, 1for javacore, 2for heapdump, 3for traceback, 4for svcdump, and 5for javatdump. The field is valid only if the SM1209CL field is greater than or equal to 2.
436 1B4 SM1209FT 4 binary The numerical value corresponds to the value of the dpm_dump_action RAS attribute: 0for none, 1for javacore, 2for heapdump, 3for traceback, 4for svcdump, and 5for javatdump. The field is valid only if the SM1209CL field is greater than or equal to 2.
440 1B8 SM1209FU 4 binary The numerical value corresponds to the value of the timeout_recovery RAS attribute: 1for servantand 2for session. The field is valid only if the SM1209CL field is greater than or equal to 2.
444 1BC SM1209FV 4 binary The value of the dispatch_timeout classification RAS attribute. The field is valid only if the SM1209CL field is greater than or equal to 2.
448 1C0 SM1209FW 4 binary Queue timeout, which is calculated using the dispatch_timeout and queue_timeout_percent classification RAS attributes. The field is valid only if the SM1209CL field is greater than or equal to 2.
452 1C4 SM1209FX 4 binary The value of the request_timeout classification RAS attribute. The field is valid only if the SM1209CL field is greater than or equal to 2.
456 1C8 SM1209FY 4 binary The value of the cputimeused_limit classification RAS attribute. The field is valid only if the SM1209CL field is greater than or equal to 2.
460 1CC SM1209FZ 4 binary The value of the dpm_interval classification RAS attribute. The field is valid only if the SM1209CL field is greater than or equal to 2.
464 1D0 SM1209GA 8 EBCDIC The value of the message_tag classification RAS attribute. The field is valid only if the SM1209CL field is greater than or equal to 2.
472 1D8 SM1209GH 4 binary Length of obtained affinity RNAME 476 1DC SM1209GI 128 EBCDIC Obtained affinity RNAME 604 25C SM1209GJ 4 binary Length of routing affinity RNAME 608 260 SM1209GK 128 EBCDIC Route affinity RNAME
z/OSformatted timestamps section
This section contains the date and time information for specific events that occured durring the processing of the request. All of the times that are included in this section are expressed in the format yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.xxxxxx, where yyyy is the year, mm is the month, dd is the day, hh is the hour, mm is the minutes, ss is the seconds, and xxxxxx is the microseconds.
Including the timestamp section in the Subtype 9 record is optional. Collecting the data to update this section adds system overhead and can make these SMF records larger. Therefore, the collection of this data, by default, is turned off. When the collection of this data is turned off, the Number of records field in the triplets section, located at the beginning of the record contains, a zero.
collection of this data, use the administrative console to specify
Offset (decimal) Offset (hexadecimal) Name Length Format Description 0 0 SM1209EA 26 EBCDIC The time that the request was received 26 1A SM1209EB 26 EBCDIC The time that the request was added to the WLM queue 52 34 SM1209EC 26 EBCDIC The time that the request was dispatched in the servant 78 4E SM1209ED 26 EBCDIC The time that the dispatch completed in the servant 104 68 SM1209EE 26 EBCDIC The time that the controller finished processing the request 130 82 * 2 * Reserved for alignment
Network data for HTTP, SIP, and IIOP transports section
and IIOP transports section. This section contains information about the origin of the request that this record describes. It is only present for protocols for which the product can obtain origin information. For example, this section does not exist for Message Driven Beans (MDBs) requests. A record contains only one instance
Offset (decimal) Offset (hexadecimal) Name Length Format Description 0 0 SM1209EF 4 binary The version of the network data 4 4 SM1209EG 8 binary The size of the request, in bytes, that was received from the client 12 C SM1209EH 8 binary The size of the response, in bytes, that is sent back to the client 20 14 SM1209EI 4 binary The target port for the request. A value of -1indicates that local communications was used. 24 18 SM1209EJ 4 binary The length of the origin string 28 1C SM1209EK 128 EBCDIC The origin string. Following is an example of an origin string: ip addr= port=1344.The bytes that follow the string contain blank spaces. 156 9C * 32 * Reserved
Classification data section
contains the classification information for this request. If a transaction class was encountered earlier, this information might have been used
Offset (decimal) Offset (hexadecimal) Name Length Format Description 0 0 SM1209EL 4 binary The version of the classification data 4 4 SM1209EM 4 binary The data type. Not all of these data types apply to all requests. For example, only data types 6, 7, or 8 appear in this field for an HTTP request. 1indicates that it is the name of an application
2indicates that it is the name of a module
3indicates that it is the name of a component
4indicates that it is the name of a class
5indicates that it is the name of a method
6indicates that it is a URI
7indicates that it is the name of the target host
8indicates that it is the name of the target port
9indicates that it is a message listener port
10indicates that it is the name of a selector
11indicates that it is the name of the Optimized Local Adapters (OLA) service
12indicates that it is the CICS imported transaction name
8 8 SM1209EN 4 binary The length of the data 12 C SM1209EO 128 EBCDIC The data string
Security data section
This section contains the security information for each request. There is a separate security data section for each identity type. Depending on the security configuration, up to three identity types might exist. Therefore, there can be up to three instances of this section in a record, depending on which data is available for the request, for which the report is generated.
Including the security sections in the Subtype 9 record is optional. Collecting the data to update this section adds system overhead and can make these SMF records larger. Therefore, the collection of this data, by default, is turned off. When the collection of this data is turned off, the Number of records field in the triplets section contains a zero.
collection of this data, use the administrative console to specify
Offset (decimal) Offset (hexadecimal) Name Length Format Description 0 0 SM1209EP 4 binary The version of the security data 4 4 SM1209EQ 4 binary The data type: 1indicates that it is the server identity
2indicates that it is the received identity
3indicates that it is the invocation identity
8 8 SM1209ER 4 binary The length of the identity 12 C SM1209ES 64 EBCDIC The identity string
CPU usage breakdown section
This section contains information about an item that was called and the CPU time that the task consumed, minus the time that the CPU spent waiting for tasks it initiated to complete. This calculation is different from the way CPU time is calculated in the container records.
There can be up to 30 instances of this section in a record; one for each item that is called. If the application calls more than 30 different items under the dispatch of a single request, only the first 30 items are included. Bit 5 of field SM1209DT indicates when such a truncation occurs.
Including the CPU usage section in the Subtype 9 record is optional. Collecting the data to update this section adds system overhead and can make these SMF records quite large. Therefore, the collection of this data, by default, is turned off. When the collection of this data is turned off or none were collected during a request, the field for the number of CPU usage break down sections (SM1209AB) in the triplet contains a zero.
breakdown section. To turn on the collection of this data,
Offset (decimal) Offset (hexadecimal) Name Length Format Description 0 0 SM1209ET 4 binary The version of the CPU usage data 4 4 SM1209EU 4 binary The data type: 1indicates that the data comes from the EJB container
2indicates that the data comes from the web container
8 8 SM1209EV 8 binary The amount of CPU time, in microseconds, that the item, such as an EJB or a servlet, spent in dispatch 16 10 SM1209FI 8 binary The elapsed time, in milliseconds, that is spent processing the item, such as an EJB or servlet 24 18 SM1209EW 4 binary How many times the item, such as an EJB or a servlet, was executed during the dispatch of this request 28 1C SM1209EX 4 binary The length of string 1 32 20 SM1209EY 256 EBCDIC String 1. String 1 has one of the following values: AMC, which indicates that an EJB was processed
Web App, which indicates that a Servlet was processed
288 120 SM1209EZ 4 binary The length of string 2 292 124 SM1209FA 256 EBCDIC String 2 has one of the following values: The method name or signature, if an EJB is accessing the data
The name of the servlet if a servlet is accessing the data
User data section
We can use the package API to add up to 5 User data sections to the end of this record. Each of these sections must be less than or equal to 2 KB in length. The data contained in these sections is not formatted and appears exactly as it is received from the application.
Use the SmfEventNotifier API, to be notified when the
Offset (decimal) Offset (hexadecimal) Name Length Format Description 0 0 SM1209FE 4 binary The version of the User data section 4 4 SM1209FF 4 binary The user data type. Types 65535 and lower are reserved for IBM use. 8 8 SM1209FG 4 binary The length of the User data section 12 C SM1209FH 2048 binary The data that the application added
Asynchronous data section
This section contains information about requests that the server runs asynchronously.
An asynchronous request has one instance of this section. This section is not applicable for non-asynchronous requests.
To turn on the collection of this data, use the administrative console to specify either the server_SMF_request_activity_async=1 or the server_SMF_request_activity_async=true
Offset (decimal) Offset (hexadecimal) Name Length Format Description 0 0 SM1209GM 4 binary The version of the asynchronous data section. 4 4 SM1209GL 16 S390STCKE The time that the execution context was created. 20 14 SM1209GN 16 S390STCKE The time that the execution started. 36 24 SM1209GO 16 S390STCKE The time that the execution completed. 52 34 SM1209GP 4 binary The servant process ID. 56 38 SM1209GQ 8 EBCDIC The servant job name. 64 40 SM1209GR 8 EBCDIC The servant job ID. 72 48 SM1209GS 8 binary The servant token. 80 50 SM1209GT 2 binary The servant ASID. 82 52 * 2
The reserved alignment. 84 54 SM1209GU 8 binary The execution context task ID. 92 5C SM1209GV 4 binary The execution context TCB address. 96 60 SM1209GW 16 binary The execution context TCB TToken. 112 70 SM1209GX 8 binary The dispatch task ID. 120 78 SM1209GY 4 binary The dispatch TCB address. 124 7C SM1209GZ 16 binary The dispatch TCB TToken. 140 8C SM1209HA 8 binary The execution context enclave token. 148 94 SM1209HB 8 binary The dispatch enclave token. 156 9C SM1209HC 8 EBCDIC The transaction class used to create the enclave. 164 A4 SM1209HD 4 binary Contains the following flags:
- SM1209HE in bit 1. A value of 0 indicates that the enclave was joined. A value of 1 indicates that the enclave was created.
- SM1209HF in bit 2. A value of 1 indicates that the enclave was scheduled with the daemon.
- Reserved, for bits 3 through 32.
168 A8 SM1209HG 8 binary The enclave CPU time at the end of the dispatch of this request, as reported by the CPUTIME parameter of the IWMEQTME API. The units are in TOD format. 176 B0 SM1209HH 8 binary The enclave zAAP CPU time at the end of the dispatch of this request, as reported by the ZAAPTIME parameter of the IWMEQTME API. The value is zero if the PTF for z/OS APAR OA22160 is not installed on the system. 184 B8 SM1209HI 8 binary The amount of CPU time at the end of the dispatch of this request that is spent on a regular CP that could have been run on a zAAP, but the zAAP was not available. This value is obtained from the ZAAPONCPTIME. field in the IWMEQTME macro. The value is zero if the PTF for z/OS APAR OA22160 is not installed on the system. 192 C0 SM1209HJ 8 binary The eligible zIIP enclave that is on the CPU at the end of the dispatch of this request. This value is obtained from the ZIIPTIME field in the IWMEQTME macro. The value is zero if the PTF for z/OS APAR OA22160 is not installed on the system. 200 C8 SM1209HK 8 binary The zIIP Quality Time enclave that was on the CPU at the end of the dispatch of this request. This value is obtained from the ZIIPQUALTIME field in the IWMEQTME macro. The value is zero if the PTF for z/OS APAR OA22160 is not installed on the system. 208 D0 SM1209HL 8 binary The zIIP enclave that is on the CPU at the end of the dispatch of this request. This value is obtained from the ZIIPONCPTIME. field in the IWMEQTME macro. The value is zero if the PTF for z/OS APAR OA22160 is not installed on the system. 216 D8 SM1209HM 4 binary The zAAP normalization factor at the end of the dispatch of this request. This value is obtained from the ZAAPNFACTOR parameter of the IWMEQTME API. The value is zero if the PTF for z/OS APAR OA22160 is not installed on the system. 220 DC * 4
The reserved alignment. 224 E0 SM1209HN 8 binary The dispatch CPU. 232 E8 SM1209HO 8 binary The amount of CPU time that was spent on non-standard CPs, such as the System z Application Assist Processor (zAAP) and z9 Integrated Information Processor (zIIP). This value is obtained from the TIMEUSED API. A value of -1 displays in this field if
- A value cannot be obtained from the TIMEUSED service.
- The level of z/OS on which we are running is not Version 1.9 with APAR OA20758 applied, or Version 1.10 or higher.
This field might also contain a negative value if field SM1209CJ contains a value other than 0.
240 EC SM1209HP 4 binary Length of the work class name. 244 F4 SM1209HQ 128 EBCDIC The work package or class name. 372 174 SM1209HR 4 binary The length of the work manager name. 376 178 SM1209HS 128 EBCDIC The work manager name. 504 1F8 SM1209HT 4 binary The identity length. 508 1FC SM1209HU 64 EBCDIC The identity. 572 23C * 16
Related concepts
Messaging flow for ASF message-driven beans with WebSphere MQ as the messaging provider Messaging flow for JCA MDBs on z/OS with service integration Messaging flow for JCA message-driven beans with WebSphere MQ as the messaging provider
Related tasks
Collecting job-related information with the System Management Facility (SMF)
Triplets Header/self-defining section SMF Subtype 1: Server activity record SMF Subtype 3: Server interval record SMF Subtype 5: J2EE container activity record (Version 2) SMF Subtype 6: J2EE container interval record (Version 2) SMF Subtype 7: WebContainer activity record (Version 2) SMF Subtype 8: WebContainer interval record (Version 2) SMF Subtype 10: Outbound Request record
Related information:
MVS System Management Facilities (SMF)
Reference topic