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JAX-RPC Handler Lists [Settings]

A JAX-RPC handler list defines an ordered list of JAX-RPC handlers to be invoked against requests and responses.

To view this page in the console, click the following path:

  • Service integration -> Web services -> JAX-RPC Handler Lists -> handler-list_name.

    A handler is a Java class that performs a range of handling tasks. For example: logging messages, or transforming their contents, or terminating an incoming request. To enable handlers to undertake more complex operations, you chain them together into handler lists. You associate each handler list with one or more ports, so that the handler list can monitor activity at the port, and take appropriate action depending upon the sender and content of each message that passes through the port.

    Configuration tab

    The Configuration tab shows configuration properties for this object. These property values are preserved even if the runtime environment is stopped then restarted. See the information center task descriptions for information about how to apply configuration changes to the runtime environment.

    General Properties


    The name of this JAX-RPC handler list.

    This name must be unique, and it must obey the following syntax rules:

    • It must not start with "." (a period).

    • It must not start or end with a space.

    • It must not contain any of the following characters: \ / , # $ @ : ; " * ? < > | = + & % '

    When you change a handler list name, the system looks up all objects that refer to it and updates the name.

    Information Value
    Required Yes
    Data type String


    An optional description of the JAX-RPC handler list.

    Information Value
    Required No
    Data type Text area

    JAX-RPC Handlers

    The JAX-RPC handlers in this list.

    Handlers are applied in the sequence in which they appear in the handler list.

    Information Value
    Required No
    Data type Custom


    Button Description
    Add Add a selected handler to the handler list.
    Remove Remove a selected handler from the handler list.
    Down Move the selected handler down the handler list.
    Up Move the selected handler up the handler list.

    Related information:

  • Administrative console buttons

  • Administrative console preference settings Reference topic