Additional Spring component implementation features
The product supports Spring implementation features that are not defined in the Service Component Architecture (SCA) Spring Implementation specification.
The product supports the following features:
- Constructor injection
The product supports the injection of SCA references and properties within Spring bean constructors. Define <constructor-arg> elements that specify the appropriate type of the SCA references or properties to use. If the elements do not specify the type attribute, then at least specify the index attribute. The product only supports constructor injection when the Spring bean has a single constructor.
- Use the ClassPathXmlApplicationContext bean definition
When the ClassPathXMLApplicationContext bean definition is in an application context, only the beans and properties defined in the top-level application context can be mapped, either explicitly or implicitly, to SCA resources.
The product does not support using a FileSystemXMLApplicationContext definition to load an application context file.
- <import> elements in application context files
The product supports use of <import> elements in application context files. Each <import> element points to an application context XML file; for example:
<bean> <import resource="services.xml"/> <import resource="resources/messageSource.xml"/> <import resource="/resources/themeSource.xml"/> <bean id="bean1" class="..."/> <bean id="bean2" class="..."/> </beans>
Related tasks
Use Spring 2.5.5 containers in SCA applications