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Supported message types for SCA JMS binding wire formats

For a Service Component Architecture (SCA) application that has a Java Message Service (JMS) binding to send and receive messages, the application must use a message type and data format that the JMS binding supports. Supported message types include JMS BytesMessage, ObjectMessage, and TextMessage. The message type to use depends on whether you are configuring an SCA service or reference and whether the JMS wire format of the service or reference is already determined.

The supported message types apply to applications coded to both the OSOA and OASIS specifications. Unless otherwise specified, the information in this topic pertains to both OSOA and OASIS applications.

The following sections describe supported message types:

Message types for SCA services when the JMS binding wire format is predetermined

For an SCA service to consume messages that are produced in a predetermined JMS binding wire format, use the following message types:

Message types for SCA references when the JMS binding wire format is predetermined

For an SCA reference to produce messages that are consumed in a predetermined JMS binding wire format, use the following message types:

Message types for SCA services and references when the JMS binding wire format is not predetermined

Suppose you are adding a JMS binding to an SCA service or reference to produce messages that will be consumed at a future time by a JMS producer or consumer, and there is not a predetermined wire format.

It is a best practice to use the default wire format when starting with the SCA application. Use the JAXB programming model with the top-down approach to developing SCA applications as these service implementations and clients easily used with the SCA default binding, the SCA web service binding, and the SCA JMS binding. Adopting an XML-centric view of the business data provides maximum portability across diverse platforms and technologies, and takes advantage of the design goals of a typical SOA environment. To learn more about top-down development of SCA applications, see the developing SCA applications from existing WSDL files documentation.

If we have business data described within Java classes that implement the Java serialization interface, java.io.Serializable, but the JAXB marshalling and unmarshalling does not satisfactorily preserve the data over the wire, we can use the ObjectMessage wire format.

Related tasks

  • Develop SCA services from existing WSDL files
  • Configure SCA JMS binding wire formats