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Character code set conversion support for the Java Object Request Broker service

The CORBA/IIOP specification defines a framework for negotiation and conversion of character code sets used by the Java Object Request Broker (ORB) service.

This product supports the framework and provides the following system properties for modifying the default settings:


Name of the native code set that the ORB uses for character data (referred to as NCS-C in the CORBA/IIOP specification). By default, the ORB uses UTF8. Valid code set values for this property are shown in the table that follows this list; values that are valid only for ORBWCharDefault are indicated.


Specifies the default code set that the ORB uses for transmission of wide character data when no code set for wide character data is found in the tagged component in the Interoperable Object Reference (IOR) or in the GIOP service context. If no code set for wide character data is found and this property is not set, the ORB raises an exception, as specified in the CORBA specification. No default value is set for this property. The only valid code set values for this property are UCS2 or UTF16.

(zos) Note: For a distributed application server with a z/OS application server, set this property on the distributed client to UCS2 or you might experience an exception.

The CORBA code set negotiation and conversion framework specifies the use of code set registry IDs as defined in the Open Software Foundation (OSF) code set registry. The ORB translates the Java file.encoding names shown in the following table to the corresponding OSF registry IDs. These IDs are then used by the ORB in the IOR Code set tagged component and GIOP code set service context as specified in the CORBA and IIOP specification.

registry IDs for Java file.encoding names. The following table lists the OSF code set registry
Java name OSF registry ID Comments
ASCII 0x00010020
ISO8859_1 0x00010001
ISO8859_2 0x00010002
ISO8859_3 0x00010003
ISO8859_4 0x00010004
ISO8859_5 0x00010005
ISO8859_6 0x00010006
ISO8859_7 0x00010007
ISO8859_8 0x00010008
ISO8859_9 0x00010009
ISO8859_15_FDIS 0x0001000F
Cp1250 0x100204E2
Cp1251 0x100204E3
Cp1252 0x100204E4
Cp1253 0x100204E5
Cp1254 0x100204E6
Cp1255 0x100204E7
Cp1256 0x100204E8
Cp1257 0x100204E9
Cp943C 0x100203AF
Cp943 0x100203AF
Cp949C 0x100203B5
Cp949 0x100203B5
Cp1363C 0x10020553
Cp1363 0x10020553
Cp950 0x100203B6
Cp1381 0x10020565
Cp1386 0x1002056A
EUC_JP 0x00030010
EUC_KR 0x0004000A
EUC_TW 0x00050010
Cp964 0x100203C4
Cp970 0x100203CA
Cp1383 0x10020567
Cp33722C 0x100283BA
Cp33722 0x100283BA
Cp930 0x100203A2
Cp1047 0x10020417
UCS2 0x00010100 Valid only for the ORBWCharDefault
UTF8 0x05010001
UTF16 0x00010109 Valid only for the ORBWCharDefault


  • Object Request Brokers: Resources for learning

    Related information:

  • Manage Object Request Brokers