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Outbound services [Settings]

An outbound service represents a WSDL-described service.

To view this page in the console, click the following path:

  • Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Services] Outbound Services -> service_name.

    An outbound service is a web service that is hosted externally, and is made available through a service integration bus. To configure an externally-hosted service for a bus, you first associate it with a service destination, then you configure one or more port destinations (one for each type of binding, for example SOAP over HTTP or SOAP over JMS) through which service requests and responses are passed to the external service.

    Configuration tab

    The Configuration tab shows configuration properties for this object. These property values are preserved even if the runtime environment is stopped then restarted. See the information center task descriptions for information about how to apply configuration changes to the runtime environment.


    Button Description
    Reload WSDL Refresh the details displayed with data from the WSDL file.

    General Properties


    The outbound service name.

    This name must be unique, and it must obey the following syntax rules:

    • It must not start with "." (a period).

    • It must not start or end with a space.

    • It must not contain any of the following characters: \ / , # $ @ : ; " * ? < > | = + & % '

    Information Value
    Required Yes
    Data type String


    Description of the outbound service.

    Information Value
    Required No
    Data type Text area

    Service destination name

    The name of the service destination for this outbound service.

    Information Value
    Required No
    Data type Custom

    WSDL location type

    The web service WSDL location type.

    Specify the location type for the service provider WSDL file that describes the web service. The WSDL file is either located at a web address, or through a UDDI registry.

    Information Value
    Required No
    Data type Radio button

    WSDL location

    The URL location or the UDDI service key of the WSDL. When specifying a UDDI service key, provide only the last segment of the key. For example, for a service key of 'uddi:cell01:node01:server1:default:6e3d106e-5394-44e3-be17-aca728ac1791', supply a value of '6e3d106e-5394-44e3-be17-aca728ac1791'.

    Depending upon which WSDL location type specified in the previous field, enter either the URL location or the service-specific part of the UDDI service key for the service provider WSDL file.

    Here is an example of a full UDDI service key:


    The service-specific part of this key is the final part:


    Information Value
    Required Yes
    Data type Text

    WSDL UDDI Registry

    The UDDI registry containing the service provider's WSDL document. Required for UDDI Location Type.

    If specified a WSDL location type of "UDDI", select a UDDI reference from the selection list.

    You configure the UDDI references in this list using the administrative console option Service integration -> Web services -> UDDI References.

    Information Value
    Required No
    Data type drop-down list

    WSDL service name

    The name of the service within the WSDL. Required if there is more than one service in the WSDL.

    If the service provider WSDL contains more than one service, or the WSDL is located through a UDDI registry, type the service name from the service provider WSDL.

    Information Value
    Required Yes
    Data type String

    WSDL service namespace

    The namespace of the service within the WSDL. Required if there is more than one service in the WSDL.

    If the service provider WSDL contains more than one service, or the WSDL is located through a UDDI registry, type the namespace of the service name from the service provider WSDL.

    Information Value
    Required Yes
    Data type Text

    Default port name

    This port is used for all invocations unless it is overridden at runtime.

    Requests and responses to this service can be sent across any binding (for example SOAP over HTTP or SOAP over JMS) that is available to both the service integration bus and the external web service. Each available binding is represented by a port. Select the default port we want the service integration technologies to use for communicating with the external service.

    Information Value
    Required No
    Data type drop-down list

    Port selection mediation

    The name of the port selection mediation that may override the default port for each request.

    We can use a mediation to override the default port. For example, we can specify that requests from a particular client should always be routed to a particular port whether or not it is the default port.

    Information Value
    Required No
    Data type drop-down list

    Bus member

    The bus member to which the port selection mediation is assigned.

    Information Value
    Required No
    Data type drop-down list

    Enable operation level security

    Selects whether the access control policy should be enforced.

    If you enable this option you must also complete, for this web service, the associated steps described in the information center for enabling operation-level authentication.

    Information Value
    Required No
    Data type Boolean

    Additional Properties

    Outbound Ports

    Each port enabled within this service has its own configuration.

    Custom properties

    Specifies additional custom properties that we can configure for this service.

  • createSIBWSOutboundService command

  • deleteSIBWSOutboundService command

  • refreshSIBWSOutboundServiceWSDL command

    Related information:

  • Administrative console buttons

  • Administrative console preference settings Reference topic