Message header information
The non-routing SIMessage header fields, and the methods available to work with them, can be mapped to JMS message header fields.
Header fields
The second column provides a brief description of the fields. The third column provides the corresponding JMS message header fields.
SIMessage header field Field description Corresponding JMS message header field SIMessage methods Priority (ReplyPriority) Integer value 0-9, higher value is higher message priority JMSPriority (integer)
- getPriority
- setPriority
- getReplyPriority
- setReplyPriority
Reliability (ReplyReliability) Reliability of message delivery. See Message reliability levels - JMS delivery mode and service integration quality of service for a description of the allowed values. JMSDeliveryMode (string) supports two levels of reliability: PERSISTENT and NON_PERSISTENT
- getReliability
- setReliability
- getReplyReliebility
- setReplyReliability
TimeToLive (ReplyTimeToLive, RemainingTimeToLive) An integer that represents the time in milliseconds that a message can remain on the queue before it expires. JMSExpiration (long) is the time of expiry, calculated as "current time" plus (+) "time-to-live".
- getTimeToLive
- getReplyTimeToLive
- getRemainingTimeToLive
- setTimeToLive
- setReplyTimeToLive
- setRemainingTimeToLive
Discriminator (ReplyDiscriminator) A string containing a topic name that is tested by a selector rule to determine if the message should be mediated. No corresponding JMS field
- getDiscriminator
- setDiscriminator
- getReplyDiscriminator
- setReplyDiscriminator
RedeliveredCount Read-only field (integer) that holds that counts each time a message is re-delivered. JMSRedelivered (Boolean) indicates that it is likely, but not guaranteed, that the message was delivered but unacknowledged in the past. getRedeliveredCount ApiMessageId A string that uniquely identifies each message sent. JMSMessageId (string)
- getApiMessageId
- setApiMessageId
CorrelationId A string that links two messages, typically linking a request message with its response. JMSCorrelationId (string)
- getCorrelationId
- setCorrelationId
UserId A string that represents the identity of the user sending the message. JMSX Userid is a message property not used by WebSphere Application Server.
- getUserId
- setUserId
Reference topic