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The SDO repository uninstall script

Use this script to uninstall a Service Data Objects (SDO) repository that was previously installed, or failed to install correctly.

You install the SDO repository application on every server or cluster to use for one or more of the service integration bus-enabled web services roles as described in Configure the SDO repository.

If the data source already exists, or there has been a previous broken or partial installation of the SDO repository application, the installSdoRepository.jacl script fails to complete and configuration changes are not saved. In these cases, we have to run the uninstallSdoRepository.jacl script. This script continues when it finds unexpected results, so it can clean up a broken or partial installation.

(iseries) Note: Run the script from within QShell.

The script is provided in the app_server_root/bin directory, where app_server_root is the root directory for the installation of WAS. If we choose to run the wsadmin scripting client from another directory, specify the full path to the script on the command option. For example to work with a profile other than the default profile, change to the app_server_root/profiles/profile_name/bin directory then specify the following path to the script:


where .ext is the file extension .bat for a Windows system, or .sh for a UNIX, Linux or z/OS system.

The SDO repository script install and uninstall pairs

The following are the install and uninstall command pairs, where each uninstall command undoes the action of the related install command. If we attempt to uninstall with a different set of arguments to those previously used with the installSdoRepository.jacl script, you might find that the uninstall does not remove everything or that it displays warnings when it tries to remove non-existent settings.

(iseries)(dist) For configuration of the SDO repository on a stand-alone server, the -createDb flag tells the install command to create a default (Apache Derby) database and configure it for use with this application server. The -removeDb flag tells the uninstall command to remove the database configuration from the application server, but not to delete the Apache Derby database:

wsadmin -f installSdoRepository.jacl -createDb
wsadmin -f uninstallSdoRepository.jacl -removeDb

For installation or removal of the SDO repository application from a stand-alone server:

wsadmin -f installSdoRepository.jacl
wsadmin -f uninstallSdoRepository.jacl

For installation or removal of the SDO repository application in a WAS Network Deployment environment, for a deployment manager or a server that is not part of a cluster:

wsadmin -f installSdoRepository.jacl node server_name
wsadmin -f uninstallSdoRepository.jacl node server_name

For installation or removal of the SDO repository application in a WAS Network Deployment environment, for a cluster:

wsadmin -f installSdoRepository.jacl -cluster cluster_name
wsadmin -f uninstallSdoRepository.jacl -cluster cluster_name

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