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Connection Properties [Collection]

Connection properties define the manner in which an endpoint listener connects to the service integration bus.

To view this page in the console, click the following path:

Servers -> Server Types -> WebSphere application servers -> server_name -> Endpoint listeners -> listener_name -> Connection Properties.

To browse or change the properties of a listed item, select its name in the list.

To act on one or more of the listed items, select the check boxes next to the names of the items to act on, use the buttons provided.

To change which entries are listed, or to change the level of detail that is displayed for those entries, use the Filter settings.

This panel contains a list of all the service integration buses that are currently connected to this endpoint listener.

Bus name

The name of this property.


Button Description
New Create a new administrative object of this type.
Delete Delete the selected items.

Related information:

  • Administrative console buttons

  • Administrative console preference settings Reference topic