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listUsersInDestinationRole command

Use the listUsersInDestinationRole command to list users in the destination roles for a local bus.

To run the command, use the AdminTask object of the wsadmin scripting client.

The wsadmin scripting client is run from Qshell. For more information, see Configure Qshell to run WebSphere scripts .

Command-line help is provided for service integration bus commands:

After using the command, save the changes to the master configuration using the following command:



Use the listUsersInDestinationRole command list the users in destination roles for a selected local bus. The roles we can specify depend on the type of destination.

Target object


Required parameters

-type destinationType

We can specify one of the following destination types:

  • Queue

  • Port

  • TopicSpace

  • ForeignDestination

  • Alias

The allowed roles for a destination depend on the type of the destination as defined in Administer destination roles.

If you are specifying a destinationType that is either foreignDestination or alias, the foreign bus name specified must be the name of the foreign bus hosting the destination.

If we specify a destinationType of queue or topic, the foreign bus name is ignored. The authorization is granted against the destination in the local bus.

-bus busName

The name of the local bus. We can use the listSIBuses command to list the names of existing buses.

-role roleType

We can specify one of the following role types, depending on the -type we have specified.


This role type applies to alias, foreignDestination, port, queue, and topicSpace destination types.


This role type applies to alias, port, queue, and topicSpace destination types.


This role type applies to alias, port, and queue destination types.

Conditional parameters


Optional parameters

-foreignBus foreignBusName

Specify the name of the foreign bus if we have specified a ForeignDestination or Alias destination type.

-showUniqueNames TRUE | FALSE

Whether to display unique names. This parameter has two possible values:


Unique names are displayed.


Security names are displayed.

The default is FALSE.


The following example lists users in the Sender role on a queue type destination called Queue1, on a local bus called Bus1.

Related concepts

  • Messaging security

  • Destination security

  • Role-based authorization

  • Temporary bus destinations

  • Bus destinations

    Related tasks

  • Listing users and groups in destination roles

  • Listing users and groups in temporary destination prefix roles

  • listGroupsInDestinationRole command

  • addGroupToDestinationRole command

  • removeGroupFromDestinationRole command

  • addUserToDestinationRole command

  • removeUserFromDestinationRole command Reference topic