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addUserToDefaultRole command

Use the addUserToDefaultRole command to add a user to the default roles for a local bus.

To run the command, use the AdminTask object of the wsadmin scripting client.

The wsadmin scripting client is run from Qshell. For more information, see Configure Qshell to run WebSphere scripts .

This command is valid only when used with WAS v7 or later application servers. Do not use it with earlier versions.

Command-line help is provided for service integration bus commands:

After using the command, save the changes to the master configuration using the following command:



Use the addUserToDefaultRole command to grant a user default access to all local bus destinations for the specified roles. Adding a user to the default role does not grant access to local destinations where the inheritance of default access is disallowed. To grant access to a local destination where inheritance is disallowed, add the user to a destination role. For more information, see addUserToDestinationRole command.

We can use this command to define the access control policy for a messaging resource that does not yet exist. This approach ensures that the messaging resource is secure from the moment it is created.

Target object


Required parameters

-bus busName

The name of the local bus. We can use the listSIBuses command to list the names of existing buses.

-role roleType

The role type to which to assign the user. We can assign a user to the following role types:


This role type is authorized to send messages to destinations on the local bus.


This role type is authorized to receive messages from destinations on the local bus.


This role type is authorized to browse messages on destinations on the local bus.


This role type is authorized to create messages on destinations on the local bus.

-user userName

The name of a user to add to the bus connector role for the local bus.

Conditional parameters


Optional parameters

-uniqueName uniqueName

Specify the name that uniquely defines the user in the user registry. If an LDAP user registry is in use, the unique name is the distinguished name (DN) for the user. We can specify values for both -uniqueName and -user, but you must ensure that they identify the same user. The command does not check that the values match.


The following example adds a user called User1 to the sender role type for a bus called Bus1.

Related concepts

  • Messaging security

  • Role-based authorization

  • Destination security

  • Bus destinations

    Related tasks

  • Add users and groups to default roles

  • listGroupsInDefaultRole command

  • addGroupToDefaultRole command

  • removeGroupfromDefaultRole command

  • listUsersInDefaultRole command

  • removeUserfromDefaultRole command Reference topic