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Topic space [Settings]

A topic space is a location for publish/subscribe messaging.

To view this page in the console, click the following path:

Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Destination resources] Destinations -> topic_space_name.

Configuration tab

The Configuration tab shows configuration properties for this object. These property values are preserved even if the runtime environment is stopped then restarted. See the information center task descriptions for information about how to apply configuration changes to the runtime environment.

General Properties


The identifier by which this destination is known for administrative purposes.

Information Value
Required No
Data type String


The universal unique identifier assigned by the system to this destination for administrative purposes.

Information Value
Required No
Data type String


Whether this bus destination is for a queue, topic space, or some other type of destination.

A topic space for publish/subscribe messaging.

Information Value
Required No
Data type String


An optional description for the bus destination, for administrative purposes.

Information Value
Required No
Data type Text area


The name of the mediation that mediates this destination.

Information Value
Required No
Data type String

Enable producers to override default reliability

Select this option to enable producers to override the default reliability set on the destination.

Information Value
Required No
Data type Boolean

Default reliability

The reliability assigned to a message produced to this destination when an explicit reliability has not been set by the producer.

Information Value
Required No
Data type drop-down list

Best effort nonpersistent

Messages are discarded when a messaging engine stops or fails. Messages might also be discarded if a connection used to send them becomes unavailable or as a result of constrained system resources.

Express nonpersistent

Messages are discarded when a messaging engine stops or fails. Messages might also be discarded if a connection used to send them becomes unavailable.

Reliable nonpersistent

Messages are discarded when a messaging engine stops or fails.

Reliable persistent

Messages might be discarded when a messaging engine fails.

Assured persistent

Messages are not discarded.

Maximum reliability

The maximum reliability of messages accepted by this destination.

Information Value
Required No
Data type drop-down list

Best effort nonpersistent

Messages are discarded when a messaging engine stops or fails. Messages might also be discarded if a connection used to send them becomes unavailable or as a result of constrained system resources.

Express nonpersistent

Messages are discarded when a messaging engine stops or fails. Messages might also be discarded if a connection used to send them becomes unavailable.

Reliable nonpersistent

Messages are discarded when a messaging engine stops or fails.

Reliable persistent

Messages might be discarded when a messaging engine fails.

Assured persistent

Messages are not discarded.

Default priority

The default priority assigned to messages sent to this destination when a priority has not been set by the producer.

Information Value
Required No
Data type Integer
Range 0 through 9

Exception destination

Use these properties to define what happens to any messages that cannot be delivered to this destination.


The bus destination does not use an exception destination and undeliverable messages are not rerouted to an exception destination.

Attempts to redeliver the message continue, up to the maximum failed deliveries limit set for the bus destination. Then, attempts to redeliver the message continue with a time interval between retry attempts. This interval is either the Default blocked destination retry interval of the messaging engine that is associated with this destination, or the Blocked retry timeout set for this destination. The Default blocked destination retry interval value can be used by all queue and topic destinations associated with this messaging engine. To set a time interval specifically for this destination, select Override messaging engine blocked retry timeout default, then enter a blocked retry timeout value for this destination.

Information Value
Required No
Data type Radio button
Default Not selected

Override messaging engine blocked retry timeout default

Override the blocked queue retry interval configured on the messaging engine owning the destination.

Select this property to set the blocked retry timeout for this destination. This property is available only when None is selected for the exception destination.

Information Value
Required Yes, if None is selected.
Data type Boolean
Default Unchecked. The Default blocked destination retry interval value of the associated messaging engine is used.

Blocked retry timeout in milliseconds

When no exception destination is configured, the time interval to apply between retry attempts, after the maximum failed deliveries limit is reached, for this destination.

This property is available only when Override messaging engine blocked retry timeout default is selected in the exception destination properties.

Information Value
Required Yes, if Override messaging engine blocked retry timeout default is checked.
Data type Integer


The bus destination uses the system default exception destination.

Undeliverable messages are routed to the system default exception destination of the messaging engine that detects the problem: _SYSTEM.Exception.Destination.messaging_engine_name.

Information Value
Required No
Data type Radio button
Default Selected


Select this property to configure a specific exception destination.

The exception destination must be a queue, on the same bus or a foreign bus, and must exist when the exception destination processing is configured.

Information Value
Required No
Data type Radio button
Default Not selected

Maximum failed deliveries per message

The maximum number of failed attempts to process a message. After this number of failed attempts, if an exception destination is configured, the message is forwarded from the intended destination to its exception destination. If an exception destination is not configured, a time interval between retry attempts is applied.

This interval is either the Default blocked destination retry interval of the messaging engine that is associated with this destination, or the Blocked retry timeout set for this destination.

Information Value
Required Yes, if an exception destination has been configured.
Data type Integer
Default 5
Range 0 through 2147483647

Keep count of failed deliveries per message

This option persists the failed delivery counts of the messages in the message store.

Persist the failed delivery counts of JMS messages in the message store. This option retains the count of failed deliveries even after the messaging engine is restarted.

Information Value
Required No
Data type Boolean
Default Not selected

When the option is not selected, the history of the failed delivery counts for the messages will be lost if the messaging engine is restarted.

Important: Although the property is selected, the property will not be effective until the database tables are upgraded using the sibDBUpgrade command for WebSphere Application Server v8.5 and later.

Send allowed

Clear this option (setting it to false) to stop producers from being able to send messages to this destination.

Information Value
Required No
Data type Boolean

Receive allowed

Clear this option (setting it to false) to prevent consumers from being able to receive messages from this destination.

Information Value
Required No
Data type Boolean

Maintain strict message order

Enable this option will maintain the strict ordering of messages for this destination.

Information Value
Required No
Data type Custom

If the strict message ordering is enabled on an existing topic destination, any existing durable subscriptions along with the messages associated become invalid. When the strict message ordering is enabled and the environment is restarted, the existing durable subscriptions are deleted and re-created; the messages associated with the durable subscriptions are also deleted.

Reply destination

The name of a destination to be appended to any non-empty reverse routing path of messages sent to this destination.

Information Value
Required No
Data type String

Reply destination bus

The bus on which the reply destination exists.

Information Value
Required No
Data type String

Allow auditing of Topic access checks

This option is only available if bus and cell level auditing are enabled. Check to enable auditing of Topic access checks.

Information Value
Required No
Data type Boolean

Topic access check required

Whether or not authorization checks are required for access to topics.

When security is on, authorization checks are always performed at the topic space level. To add additional control, we can select this property to enable authorization checks at the topic level.

Information Value
Required No
Data type Boolean

Message points

Publication points

A publication point is created on each messaging engine in the bus when a publish/subscribe destination is created. The publication point on a messaging engine is used to hold messages published by applications connected to that messaging engine until they are delivered to subscribers.

Mediation points

The mediation points for the topic space. The locations in the messaging engine at which messages on the topic space are mediated.

Additional Properties

Context properties

Context information passed to the mediation.

Related Items

Application resources topology

A expandable tree view of all applications and messaging resources that reference the current destination.

Audit Service

Configure the global audit settings

Related concepts

  • Publish/subscribe messaging and topic spaces

    Related tasks

  • Auditing the service integration security infrastructure

  • Create a topic space for publish/subscribe messaging

  • Configure bus destination properties

    Related information:

  • Administrative console buttons

  • Administrative console preference settings

  • Messaging engines [Settings] Reference topic