unmediateSIBDestination command
Use the unmediateSIBDestination command to remove a mediation from a service integration bus destination.
To run the command, use the AdminTask object of the wsadmin scripting client.
The wsadmin scripting client is run from Qshell. For more information, see Configure Qshell to run WebSphere scripts .
Command-line help is provided for service integration bus commands:
- For a list of the available service integration bus commands in Jython and a brief description of each command, enter the following command at the wsadmin prompt:
print AdminTask.help('SIBAdminCommands')
- For overview help on a given command, enter the following command at the wsadmin prompt:
print AdminTask.help('command_name')
After using the command, save the changes to the master configuration using the following command:
This command removes a mediation from a bus destination for a service integration bus. The mediation remains on the bus, in case it is needed to mediate other bus destinations.
If we unmediate a destination assigned to a WebSphere MQ server bus member, or a destination that has a mediation point on a WebSphere MQ server bus member, the mediation process stops, and messages already queued on the mediation point are not mediated.
Target object
Required parameters
- -bus busname
- The name of the service integration bus on which the bus destination is to be created. We can use the listSIBuses command to list the names of existing buses.
- -destinationName destname
- The identifier by which this destination is known for administrative purposes.
Conditional parameters
Optional parameters
- Jython:
wsadmin>AdminTask.listSIBMediations(["-bus", "abus"]) '(cells/9994GKCCell01/buses/abus|sib-mediations.xml# SIBDestinationMediation_1098217858584)' wsadmin>AdminTask.unmediateSIBDestination(["-bus", "abus", "-destinationName", "myqueue"])
- Jacl:
wsadmin>$AdminTask listSIBMediations {-bus abus} (cells/9994GKCCell01/buses/abus|sib-mediations.xml#SIBDestinationMediation_1098217858584) wsadmin>$AdminTask unmediateSIBDestination {-bus abus -destinationName myqueue}
Related concepts
WebSphere MQ queue points and mediation points WebSphere MQ server and mediated exchange scenarios Mediations
Related tasks
Create a queue-type destination and assigning it to a WebSphere MQ queue Mediating a destination by using a WebSphere MQ queue as the mediation point Reference topic