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createSIBus command

Use the createSIBus command to create a new service integration bus.

To run the command, use the AdminTask object of the wsadmin scripting client.

The wsadmin scripting client is run from Qshell. For more information, see Configure Qshell to run WebSphere scripts .

Command-line help is provided for service integration bus commands:

After using the command, save the changes to the master configuration using the following command:



This command creates a new service integration bus.

Target object


Required parameters

-bus busname

The name by which we want the service integration bus to be known. Choose a unique name.

Conditional parameters


Optional parameters

-description text

An optional description for the bus, for administrative purposes.

-secure TRUE | FALSE

This parameter is deprecated for this version.

interEngineAuthAlias name

The name of the authentication alias used to authorize communication between messaging engines on the bus.

Specify an inter-engine authentication alias if the bus contains a WAS v6.x bus member. When bus security is enabled, the bus uses the inter-engine authentication alias to authenticate incoming connections from other messaging engines. An unauthorized messaging engine cannot connect to the bus.

-mediationsAuthAlias name

The name of the authentication alias used to authorize mediations to access the bus.

-securityGroupCacheTimeout timeout_value

The length of time, in minutes, that a security group will be cached for. timeout_value can be in the range 0 through 99999. The default value is 120.

Increasing the timeout decreases the load on the user registry and improves performance but makes the system less responsive to changes in a user's group membership. To tune the group cache to the optimum setting, we need to balance the need for responsiveness with the registry load. For example, if the system must respond quickly to changes in a user's group membership, specify a timeout of 15 minutes. If the system needs to respond less frequently, for example to respond to overnight changes, specify a timeout of 1440 minutes (24 hours). With a setting of 0, entries in the cache do not timeout, and so remain until the server is next restarted.

A change to this value is effective immediately and only affects the group cache of the bus for which the configuration was changed.

-protocol protocol

The transport chain used for communication between messaging engines in this bus.

The transport chain must correspond to one of the transport chains defined in the Messaging engine inbound transports settings for the server. All servers automatically have a number of transport chains defined to them, and it is also possible to create new transport chains.

The default transport chain is InboundBasicMessaging.

-discardOnDelete TRUE | FALSE

Set this option to TRUE if messages on a deleted message point can be discarded. Set this option to FALSE if messages on a deleted message point should be retained at a system exception destination.

highMessageThreshold number

The maximum total number of messages that any messaging engine on the bus can place on its message points.

This value is used to set the default high message threshold for a messaging engine when the messaging engine is created.

configurationReloadEnabled TRUE | FALSE

Set this option to TRUE to dynamically reload configuration files for this bus.

When this option is TRUE, certain changes to the bus configuration are applied without requiring the messaging engines to be restarted. These changes are applied when destinations or mediations are added to, or removed from, the bus. This option also controls whether automatic updates occur on all the messaging engines on the bus.

-busSecurity TRUE | FALSE

Set this option to TRUE to enforce the authorization policy for the bus, which also requires administrative security to be enabled. Set this option to FALSE if you always want to disable bus security. If administrative security is disabled, the bus is insecure.


Set one of three options to enforce a bus members policy for the bus.


Any server in the cell that has the SIB service enabled can service bootstrap requests.


Only bus members or a nominated bootstrap server can service bootstrap requests.


Only bus members can service bootstrap requests.

-useServerIdForMediations TRUE | FALSE

Set this option to TRUE to run mediations using a single server identity for the bus. This option enables you to run mediations across multiple security domains without the need to specify a mediation authentication alias for each domain. We can use a server identity to run mediations on the global domain. Set this option to FALSE to run mediations using a mediations authentication alias.

-auditAllowed TRUE | FALSE

Set this option to be TRUE to enable security auditing for the bus. Set this option to be FALSE to disable security auditing for the bus. The default value is TRUE. We must have Audit Administrator privileges to use this parameter.


AdminTask.createSIBus('[-bus bus1 -description [A new bus] -busSecurity false ]')

Related concepts

  • Dynamic reloading of configuration files

  • Access control for multiple buses

    Related tasks

  • Configure bus properties

  • Configure foreign bus connections

  • Add additional messaging engines to a cluster bus member Reference topic