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removePGC.py batch script

We can use the removePGC.py Jython script to remove the common batch container from the deployment target.


The removePGC.py script is provided with the product. The removePGC.py script removes the common batch container from the deployment target or removes it when the deployment target is the only target.


At installation, removePGC.py is copied onto the installation target machines in the app_server_root/bin directory.


To run removePGC.py script with the wsadmin utility, use this command:

We might have to modify wsadmin to wsadmin.sh or wsadmin.bat, depending on the operating system environment.

To see a list of all available operations, use the following command:


Use the following option with this command:


Lists the targets that have the common batch container.


Use following command to list the targets which have the common batch container:

For example:

>> wsadmin -lang jython -f removePGC.py --list
INFO: Grid Execution Environment was found on following targets:

Related concepts

  • Grid endpoints

    Related tasks

  • Administer the batch environment