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Subexpression builder settings

Use this page to create and manage rules used by the scheduler to perform job classification based on the rules or conditions defined.

To view this page, click System administration > Job Scheduler > Classification rules > Add Rule > Subexpression builder.

Select operand

The operand is part of the classification rule that the run time uses to match a rule to a job. For instance, if specified an application type equal to j2ee, the runtime searches for a job that has an application type of j2ee.

The following list includes operand choices:


The operator is specified in the classification rule and is applied to the operand. For example, we can use = to specify an application type operand that is equal to j2ee. Depending on the operand you select, various choices of operators are displayed. The following list includes operator choices:


The equality operator expresses a case-sensitive match.


The less-than or greater-than operator is for use with numbers.


For xx AND yy, expresses matches containing both xx, yy.


This operator expresses an operand with multiple values in a single expression. For example, if, for an operand called port, to express that the port value can be any or all of the values such as 9080, 9090, and 9091, the expression fragment is port IN (9080,9090,9091). How the values inside the brackets are expressed depends on the data type of port. If the port is an integer, the correct syntax is to include the values without quotation marks. If the port is a string, the correct syntax is port IN (‘9080',‘9090',‘9091').


This operator expresses that a validation of the query shows that the requested parameter does not exist.


This operator expresses that a validation of the query shows that the requested parameter exists.


This operator expresses pattern matching for string operand values. The value must contain the wildcard character percent sign (%) in the position where the pattern matching starts. For example, the expression, host LIKE %blanca, matches the word blanca, or any other word that ends in blanca, while the expression host LIKE blanca% matches the word blanca or any other word that starts with blanca. The expression, host LIKE %blanca% matches the word blanca or any word that has blanca embedded in it.


This operator expresses the value returned if the value of submitter_group used in the expression is present in the array of values returned by the submitter_group operand. For example, if the submitter group returns the array of groups {sales, development, management}, and the value used in the expression is development, then CONTAINS returns true. Otherwise, it is false.


CONTAINSMATCH is the same as CONTAINS, but has pattern matching capability. For example, if you use %ment for the CONTAINMATCH operator, it matches because development and management both contain the substring of ment in their elements.


Depending on the operator that you choose, enter a value for the subexpression to create.

Subexpression builder

Generates the subexpression as a result of the operand, operator, and values that specified.


Adds the subexpression to the new rule.

Job scheduler classification rule settings