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cacheinstances.properties file

Use the information in this document as a reference of the names, values, and explanations that we can use in the cacheinstances.properties file.

The following list provides the property names, associated values, and explanations for the cacheinstance.properties file.

Property name
x is the instance number
Starts with 0
Scope Possible value Description
Cache core properties


Per cache instance any string (no default set) Specifies cache instance name or JNDI name.
cache.instance.x.cacheSize Per cache instance > 0 (default=2000) Maximum number of entries that are held in memory cache.
cache.instance.x.disableDependencyId Per cache instance True or false (default=false) The dynamic cache service supports cache entry dependency IDs. Disable this option if we do not need to use dependency IDs. Dependency IDs specify additional cache group identifiers that associate multiple cache entries to the same group identifier in our cache policy.
cache.instance.x.disableTemplatesSupport Per cache instance True or false (default=false) Whether template support feature is enabled.
cache.instance.x.useListenerContext Per cache instance True or false (default=false) Set to true to have invalidation events sent to registered invalidation listeners, using the Java EE context of the listener. To use listener Java EE context for callback, set this value to true. To use the caller thread context for callback, set this value to false.
cache.instance.x.enableNioSupport Per cache instance True or false (default=false) Whether DistributedMap or DistributedNioMap is used.
cache.instance.x.memoryCacheSizeInMB Per cache instance > 0 (default: -1 limit does not exist) Specifies a value for the maximum memory cache size in megabytes (MB)
cache.instance.x.memoryCacheHighThreshold Per cache instance > 0 % (default=95) Specifies when the eviction policy runs. The threshold is expressed in terms of the percentage of the memory cache size in MB. The higher value is used when limit memory cache size in MB is specified.
cache.instance.x.memoryCacheLowThreshold Per cache instance > 0 % (default=80) Specifies when the eviction policy runs. The threshold is expressed in terms of the percentage of the memory cache size in MB. The lesser value is used when limit memory cache size in MB is specified.
cache.instance.x.createCacheAtServerStartup Per cache instance True or false (default=false) Whether the configured cache instance is created during the server startup. This is useful when cache replication feature is used. However, the time for server startup will take long.

Cache servlet/JSP caching properties

cache.instance.x.cascadeCachespecProperties Per cache instance True or false (default=false) A configurable change in the behavior of the cache so that the child pages and fragments inherit the cache specification properties of their parent pages and fragments. If the request for a fragment does not match a defined cache policy, the fragment will inherit the save-attributes and the store-cookies properties from its parent fragment. Enable this cascade of save-attributes and store-cookies properties by setting the value to true.
cache.instance.x.disableStoreCookies Per cache instance "none", "ALL","All", cache instance name, comma delineated list of cookie names, (default="none") Whether disable store cookies is NONE or ALL. Stores cookies as part of the response by default unless configured otherwise on a per request basis in cachespec.xml file. There is a risk of sharing cookies between users, which violates security.
cache.instance.x.enableServletSupport Per cache instance True or false (default=false) Whether the cache instance is servlet cache or object cache.

Cache disk offload properties

cache.instance.x.enableDiskOffload Per cache instance True or false (default=false) Whether disk offload is enabled.
cache.instance.x.diskOffload Location Per cache instance String - For example: . $(app_server_root)/diskOffload Location on the disk to save cache entries when disk offload is enabled.
cache.instance.x.diskCacheSize Per cache instance >= 0 (0=limit does not exist) Specifies a value for the maximum disk cache size in number of entries.
cache.instance.x.diskCacheSizeInGB Per cache instance 0 or > 2 in GB (0=limit does not exist) Specifies a value for the maximum disk cache size in gigabytes (GB).
cache.instance.x.diskCacheEntrySizeInMB Per cache instance >= 0 in MB (0=limit does not exist) Specifies a value for the maximum size of an individual cache entry in megabytes (MB). Any cache entry that is larger than this, when evicted from memory, will not be offloaded to disk.
cache.instance.x.flushToDiskOnStop Per cache instance True or false (default = false) Specifies if in-memory cached objects are saved to disk when the server stops.
cache.instance.x.diskCachePerformanceLevel Per cache instance 0=low 1=balance 2=custom 3=high (default=1) Performance level to tune the performance of the disk cache.
cache.instance.x.htodCleanupFrequency Per cache instance 0 <= x <= 1440 in minutes (0=cleanup at midnight) Specifies a value for the disk cache cleanup frequency, in minutes. If set to 0, the cleanup runs only at midnight. This setting applies only when the Disk Offload Performance Level is low, balanced, or custom. The high performance level does not require disk cleanup, and this value is ignored.
cache.instance.x.htodDelayOffloadDepIdBuckets Per cache instance > 0 (default=1000) Specifies a value for the maximum number of dependency identifier buckets in the disk cache metadata in memory. If this limit is exceeded, the information is offloaded to the disk. This setting applies only when the disk cache performance level is custom.
cache.instance.x.htodDelayOffloadTemplateBuckets Per cache instance > 0 (default=100) Specifies a value for the maximum number of template buckets that are in the disk cache metadata in memory. If this limit is exceeded, the information is offloaded to the disk. This setting applies only when the disk cache performance level is custom.
cache.instance.x.htodDelayOffloadEntriesLimit Per cache instance > 0 (default=1000) Specifies a value for the maximum number of cache identifiers stored for an individual dependency ID or template in the disk cache metadata in memory. If this limit is exceeded, the information is offloaded to the disk. This setting applies only when the disk offload performance level is custom.
cache.instance.x.diskCacheEvictionPolicy Per cache instance 0=disable 1=random 2:size (default=0) Eviction algorithm that the disk cache will use to evict entries once the high threshold is reached.
cache.instance.x.diskCacheHighThreshold Per cache instance > 0 % (default=80) Specifies when the eviction policy runs. The threshold is expressed in terms of the percentage of the disk cache size in GB or entries. The high value is used when limit disk cache size in GB and limit disk cache size in entries are specified.
cache.instance.x.diskCacheLowThreshold Per cache instance > 0 % (default=70) Specifies when the eviction policy runs. The threshold is expressed in terms of the percentage of the disk cache size in GB or entries. The lesser value is used when limit disk cache size in GB and limit disk cache size in entries are specified.

Cache replication properties

cache.instance.x.enableCacheReplication Per cache instance True or false (default=false) Whether cache replication is enabled. Use cache replication to have cache entries copied to multiple application servers configured in the same replication domain.
cache.instance.x.replicationType Per cache instance 1 (Not shared, 2 (Push), 4 (Push and pull) Specifies the global sharing policy for this application server.
cache.instance.x.replicationDomain Per cache instance String - For example: DynamicCacheDomain Specifies a replication domain from which the data is replicated.
cache.instance.x.useServerClassLoader Per cache instance True or false (default=false) Whether using server class loader is enabled. Setting this value to true, deserializes the InvalidationEvent using system classloader first and then using application classloader, if that fails. This improves performance.
cache.instance.x.cacheEntryWindow Per cache instance > 0 (default=50) Limit on the total number of cache entries sent by the data replication service (DRS) in terms of number of entries.
cache.instance.x.cachePercentageWindow Per cache instance > 0 % (default=2) Limit on the number of cache entries sent by DRS in terms of the percentage of total cache in memory.
cache.instance.x.cacheInvalidateEntryWindow Per cache instance > 0 (default=50) Limit on the total number of invalidation events sent by DRS in terms of number of entries.
cache.instance.x.cacheInvalidatePercentWindow Per cache instance > 0 % (default=2) Limit on the number of invalidation events sent by DRS in terms of the percentage of total cache in memory.
cache.instance.x.filterTimeOutInvalidation Per cache instance True or false (default=false) Whether sending invalidations based on timeout eviction is enabled.
cache.instance.x.filterLRUInvalidation Per cache instance True or false (default=false) Whether sending invalidations based on LRU eviction is enabled.
cache.instance.x.ignoreValueInInvalidationEvent Per cache instance True or false (default=false) Whether the cache value of Invalidation event is ignored. If it is true, the cache value of Invalidation event is set to NULL when the code is returned to the caller.

Related tasks

Use the DistributedMap and DistributedObjectCache interfaces for the dynamic cache