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ActiveX client programming, Java field programming tips

Use the ActiveX to EJB bridge to access Java fields has the same case sensitivity issue that it has when invoking methods. Field names must use the same case as the Java field syntax.

Visual Basic code has the same problem with unsolicited case changing on fields as it does with methods. (For more information about this problem, see ActiveX to EJB bridge, calling Java methods). We might use the CallByName() function to set a field in the same way that you call a method in some cases. For fields, use VBLet for primitive types and VBSet for objects. For example:

o.MyField = 123                         'Incorrect...
CallByName(o, "MyField", vbLet, 123)    'Correct...
or in VBScript:
o.MyField = 123                          'Incorrect...
Eval("o.myField = 123")                  'Correct...

Related concepts

  • ActiveX to EJB Bridge