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ClientRuntimeInstaller class

This section provides information on the ClientRuntimeInstaller class.

This class, com.ibm.websphere.client.installer.ClientRuntimeInstaller, contains a main() method that Java Web Start (JWS) calls to install the Application Client for WebSphere Application Server run-time dependency component in JWS cache. It is packaged in WebSphereClientRuntimeInstaller.jar file located in the Application Client for WebSphere Application Server installation in the <app_server_root>/JWS directory.

Specify the WebSphereClientRuntimeInstaller.jar file and the Application Client run-time dependency component JAR file as JAR resources in the Application Client run-time installer Java Network Launcher Protocol (JNLP) descriptor file. See the following example for details:

<jar href="Launcher/WebSphereClientRuntimeInstall.jar" main="true"/>
<jar href="Launcher/WASClient6.1_windows.jarRuntimeInstall.jar" main="true"/>

The ClientRuntimeInstaller class main method requires the following properties to be set in the JNLP file:


Specifies a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version name that is to be used when referring to the Application Client run-time dependency component.


Relative location of the javaw.exe program in the Application Client run-time dependency component JAR file.

The previously mentioned properties, JRE version name and the location of the javaw.exe program are registered to the Java Web Start Application Manager, as shown in the following example:

<property name="com.ibm.websphere.client.jre.version" value="WASclient6.1"/>
<property name="com.ibm.websphere.client.jre.launch.java" value="java\jre\bin\javaw.exe"/>

Related tasks

  • Preparing the application client run time dependency component for Java Web Start

  • buildClientRuntime tool