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buildClientLibJars tool

For a Java EE application client application and or Thin application client application to be launched using Java Web Start (JWS), the properties files bundled in Application Client for WebSphere Application Server must be installed in the Java Web Start. Use this tool to create those property JAR files. The Java Web Start client is used with platforms that support a web browser.

(iseries) Java Web Start is not supported on WebSphere Application Server for IBM i.

The buildClientLibJars tool copies the JAR files from the Application Client for WebSphere Application Server installation and creates a properties.jar file, which contains the properties files from the Application Clients installation properties directory to a specified location. When this property is created, the tool uses the value of keystore, storepass, alias and storetype to sign all of the JAR files in the specified location.


Related tasks

  • Preparing the application client run time dependency component for Java Web Start