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Use wsadmin scripting with JMX

JMX is a framework that provides a standard way of exposing Java resources, for example, application servers, to a system management infrastructure. Using the JMX framework, a provider can implement functions, such as listing the configuration settings, and editing the settings. This framework also includes a notification layer that management applications can use to monitor events such as the startup of an application server.

JMX key features

The key features of the WAS implementation of JMX include:

JMX architecture

The JMX architecture is structured into three layers:

The layered architecture of JMX is summarized in the following figure:

Figure 1. JMX architecture

JMX distributed administration

The following figure shows how the JMX architecture fits into the overall distributed administration topology of a WAS Network Deployment environment:

Figure 2. Distributed administration of JMX

The key points of this distributed administration architecture include:

JMX Mbeans

The product provides a number of MBeans, each of which has different functions and operations available. For example, an application server MBean can expose operations such as start and stop. An application MBean can expose operations such as install and uninstall. Some JMX usage scenarios that we can encounter include:

The following example illustrates how to obtain the name of a particular MBean:


Using Jython:

Each WAS runtime MBean can have attributes, operations, and notifications. The complete documentation for each MBean supplied with the product is available in this information center at information_center > Reference > Programming interfaces > Mbean interfaces.

JMX benefits

The use of JMX for management functions in WebSphere Application Server provides the following benefits:

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