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JAX-RPC handlers and proxy operation

We can set the web services gateway to act purely as a proxy for the service, then use JAX-RPC handler lists to set the endpoints for incoming request messages for the service.

When creating a new proxy service configuration, the gateway takes no action with regard to that service other than to invoke it. When you configure a proxy service, we also configure a JAX-RPC handler list that uses the javax.xml.rpc.service.endpoint.address to set the target endpoint for the service. You then attach the handler list to the inbound port for the proxy service.

When the gateway receives a message, it needs to know whether the request being invoked is request and response, or one-way. Because the gateway does not parse the SOAP message, it cannot get this information from the message. Therefore the requesting clients must append an operationMode HTTP query string parameter to the web address for the gateway service. The value of this parameter is either oneway or requestResponse. For example, if the web address of the proxy service configuration is as follows:

(where host and port_number are the host name and port number for this application server), then requesting clients indicate that they are sending a one-way request using the following URL:

If the operationMode parameter is missing, the gateway assumes that the requested method is requestResponse.

A proxy service configuration has no actual target services and therefore no WSDL that the gateway can use to configure the service invocation. A generic proxy WSDL file is used to configure the basic parameters for the invocation call (for example which binding to use), but we can override the default by supplying our own equivalent generic proxy WSDL file. The supplied proxy WSDL file defines a single portType with two operations: oneway and requestResponse. If the operation mode is oneway, then the gateway selects the one-way operation from the WSDL. The supplied proxy WSDL file is located here:

(for example http://your.server.name:9080/SIBWS/proxywsdl/ProxyServiceTemplate.wsdl).

For an individual proxy service, we can override the default proxy WSDL file and supply an alternative WSDL when you create a new proxy service configuration or modify an existing proxy service configuration.

If we want the gateway to use a different default proxy WSDL file, then specified the web address of the new default proxy WSDL file when you create a new gateway instance. Your new default proxy WSDL file must implement the same port type, binding, service, and port names as the supplied default proxy WSDL file. The only differences that can exist are in the extension elements used to configure the binding. In the new default proxy WSDL file, the value of the <soap:target address> tag must be a properly formatted web address but it does not have to point to a real page. For example, a value of this.is.a.fake.url is rejected, whereas a value of http://this.is.a.fake.url is accepted. The JAX-RPC handler list uses the javax.xml.rpc.service.endpoint.address to override this value at run time with the real web address.

If the JAX-RPC handler list is not deployed, then the gateway attempts to send all requests to the fake web address specified in the <soap:target address> tag in the proxy WSDL file.

Related tasks

  • Create a new proxy service configuration
  • Modify an existing proxy service configuration

  • createWSGWProxyService command
  • deleteWSGWProxyService command

    Related information:

  • Proxy services [Settings]