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MongoDB databases

MongoDB (from "humongous") is a scalable, high-performance, open source NoSQL database. Liberty profile provides configuration support for MongoDB Java driver Version 2.10.0 or later.


New feature:

This feature enables the usage of the MongoDB Java Driver and allows DB instances to be configured in the server configuration, injected into managed components such as EJBs, and looked up in JNDI. Applications interact with these DB instances via the normal MongoDB APIs.newfeat

Liberty profile provides a mongo-2.0 feature that we can use to configure MongoDB instances and associated database connections for the applications. Access to MongoDB connections is available either by JNDI lookup or resource injection, as with other product resources. All actual database manipulation is performed by the native com.mongodb API.

The MongoDB server and client MongoDB driver are not available with the product. We must download, install, and configure the MongoDB database servers and client drivers.

Related tasks

  • Create Liberty applications that use MongoDB

    Related information:

  • MongoDB drivers
    com.mongodb API