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Web Services Resource Framework resource property and lifecycle operations

The Web Services Resource Framework (WSRF) contains specifications that describe the operations that a Web Services Resource (WS-Resource) can implement to get, set, or query the state of the resource by operating on the resource properties document.

For a complete description of all the standard property and lifetime operations defined by the Web Services Resource Framework (WSRF), see the WS-ResourceProperties and WS-ResourceLifetime specifications. The principle WSRF operations that a Web Services Resource (WS-Resource) can support are described in the following table.

WSRF operations that are supported by WS-Resources. The table lists the principle WSRF operations and provides a description
Operation Description
GetResourcePropertyDocument Returns the entire resource properties document for the WS-Resource.

Message format


Response format

  {any}  </wsrf-rp:GetResourcePropertyDocumentResponse>
where {any} is the content of the resource properties document.

PutResourcePropertyDocument Replaces the entire resource properties document for the WS-Resource with the document specified.

Message format

where {any} is the content of the new resource properties document.

Response format

  {any} ?
where {any} is the content of the new resource properties document. If the content is the same as the requested content, then the {any} element must not be present.

GetResourceProperty Returns the value or values of the specified resource property found within the resource properties document for the WS-Resource.

Message format


Response format

where {any}* is a sequence of elements that match the QName specified in the request.

GetMultipleResourceProperties Returns the value or values of the specified resource properties found within the resource properties document for the WS-Resource.

Message format


Response format

where {any}* is a sequence of elements that match the QNames specified in the request.

InsertResourceProperties Inserts the resource property elements specified into the resource properties document for the WS-Resource.

Message format

  </wsrf-rp:Insert>  </wsrf-rp:InsertResourceProperties>
where {any}* is a sequence of elements with the same QName.

Response format


UpdateResourceProperties Updates the resource property elements specified into the resource properties document for the WS-Resource.

Message format

  </wsrf-rp:Upate>  </wsrf-rp:UpateResourceProperties>
where {any}* is a sequence of elements with the same QName.

Response format


DeleteResourceProperties Delete the resource property elements specified from the resource properties document for the WS-Resource.

Message format

  <wsrf-rp:Delete ResourceProperty="QName"/>
where QName is the QName of the resource property to delete.

Response format


QueryResourceProperties Query the resource properties document by using a query expression, such as XPath.

Message format

  <wsrf-rp:QueryExpression             Dialect="http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xpath-19991116">
where xsd:any is the XPath query expression to apply to the resource properties document.

Response format

where {any} is the result of evaluating the query expression against the resource properties document.

Destroy Destroys the WS-Resource.

Message format


Response format


This response indicates successful destruction of the WS-Resource.

SetTerminationTime WS-Resources that support scheduled termination can implement this operation to allow a requester to change the time at which the WS-Resource destroys itself.

Message format

    xsd:dateTime    </wsrf-rl:RequestedTerminationTime>]      |    [<wsrf-rl:RequestedLifetimeDuration>      xsd:duration
where the termination time is either an absolute time or a relative duration.

Response format

    xsd:dateTime    </wsrf-rl:NewTerminationTime>
    xsd:dateTime    </wsrf-rl:CurrentTime>
This response contains the time, from the perspective of the WS-Resource, when the WS-Resource destroys itself. The response also contains the WS-Resource value of the current time.

A variety of ways exist in which a WS-Resource can implement scheduled destruction. For example, a WS-Resource that is implemented as an enterprise bean might use the enterprise bean container timer service by implementing the ejbTimeout callback method of the javax.ejb.TimedObject interface, and by creating a Timer object that expires at the scheduled destruction time and drives this callback method. EJB timer service Timer objects are retained after server restarts, and are therefore a simple means to manage the lifecycle of WS-Resources that have a finite lifecycle and require a time-based destruction mechanism.

Related concepts

  • Web Services Addressing support
  • Web Services Resource Framework support