(WAS v8.5.0.1)
Customize an OAuth provider
The WebSphere Application Server OAuth service provider has plug-in points for customization. We can replace the default form login page for user authentication, or develop our own user consent form to collect client authorization data. WebSphere Application Server OAuth providers also allow customized post processing for major events in OAuth token issuing by using mediators.
- (WAS v8.5.0.1)
- Custom mediator
An OAuth 2.0 mediator is used as a callback during the OAuth 2.0 message processing to perform customized post processing.
- (WAS v8.5.0.1)
- Custom consent form template
The OAuth authorization server provides a template to acquire user consent information about which OAuth clients are authorized to access the protected resource in given scopes. The authorization request from the OAuth client shows a list of requested scopes in the template.
- (WAS v8.5.0.1)
- Custom user login form
The WebSphere Application Server OAuth service provider includes a form login page for a user to submit a user name and password.