Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Developer examples

Example: custom AuthorizationToken login module

This file shows how to determine if the login is an initial login or a propagation login.

For information on what to do during initialization, login and commit, see Developing custom login modules for a system login configuration for JAAS.

public customLoginModule()
 public void initialize(Subject subject, CallbackHandler callbackHandler,
     Map sharedState, Map options)
  _sharedState = sharedState;

 public boolean login() throws LoginException
  // Handles the WSTokenHolderCallback to see if this is an initial or
     // propagation login.
  Callback callbacks[] = new Callback[1];
  callbacks[0] = new WSTokenHolderCallback("Authz Token List: ");
  catch (Exception e)
   // Handles exception   }
  // Receives the ArrayList of TokenHolder objects (the serialized tokens)
  List authzTokenList = ((WSTokenHolderCallback) callbacks[0]).getTokenHolderList();
  if (authzTokenList != null)
   // Iterates through the list looking for your custom token    for (int i=0; i
   for (int i=0; i
<authzTokenList.size(); i++)
    TokenHolder tokenHolder = (TokenHolder)authzTokenList.get(i);

          // Looks for the name and version of your custom AuthorizationToken
          // implementation     if (tokenHolder.getName().equals("
             CustomAuthorizationTokenImpl") &&
        tokenHolder.getVersion() == 1)
            // Passes the bytes into your custom AuthorizationToken constructor
            // to deserialize
     customAuthzToken = new


    // This is not a propagation login. Create a new instance of your
     // AuthorizationToken implementation   {
       // Gets the prinicpal from the default AuthenticationToken. This must match
       // all tokens.
   defaultAuthToken = (
   String principal = defaultAuthToken.getPrincipal();

      // Adds a new custom authorization token. This is an initial login. Pass the
       // principal into the constructor
   customAuthzToken = new

   // Adds any initial attributes    if (customAuthzToken != null)
    customAuthzToken.addAttribute("key1", "value1");
    customAuthzToken.addAttribute("key1", "value2");
    customAuthzToken.addAttribute("key2", "value1");
    customAuthzToken.addAttribute("key3", "something different");

     // Note: We can add the token to the Subject during commit in case something
     // happens during the login.

 public boolean commit() throws LoginException
  if (customAut  // (hzToken != null)
   // sSets the customAuthzToken token into the Subject
    public final AuthorizationToken customAuthzTokenPriv = customAuthzToken;
          // Do this in a doPrivileged code block so that application code does not
          // need to add additional permissions
     public Object run()
                 // Adds the custom authorization token if it is not null
                 //  and not already in the Subject
                                if ((customAuthzTokenPriv != null) &&
      catch (Exception e)
       throw new WSLoginFailedException (e.getMessage(), e);

      return null;
   catch (Exception e)
    throw new WSLoginFailedException (e.getMessage(), e);

 // Defines your login module variables customAuthzToken = null; defaultAuthToken = null;
 java.util.Map _sharedState = null;

Develop custom login modules for a system login configuration for JAAS
Implement a custom authentication token for security attribute propagation


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