Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Develop and deploying applications
Develop Dynamic caching
This page provides a starting point for finding information about the dynamic cache service, which improves performance by caching the output of servlets, commands, web services, and JSP files.
Dynamic caching features include replication of cache entries, cache disk offload, Edge-Side Include caching, web services, and external caching. Use external caching to control caches outside of the application server.
- Configure cacheable objects with the cachespec.xml file
Use this task to define cacheable objects inside the cachespec.xml, found inside the web module WEB-INF or enterprise bean META-INF directory.
- cachespec.xml file
The cache parses the cachespec.xml file when the server starts, and extracts a set of configuration parameters from each cache-entry element. Every time a new servlet or other cacheable object initializes, the cache attempts to match each of the cache-entry elements to find the configuration information for that object.
- Example: Configuring the dynamic cache service
This example puts all of the steps together for configuring the dynamic cache service with the cachespec.xml file, showing the use of the cache ID generation rules, dependency IDs, and invalidation rules.
- file
Use the information in this document as a reference of the names, values, and explanations that you can use in the file.
End-to-end paths for Dynamic caching
Migrate Dynamic caching
Administer Dynamic caching
Dynamic caching
Monitor Dynamic caching
Troubleshoot Dynamic caching