Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Log and trace file descriptions

IBM service log settings

Use this page to configure the IBM service log, also known as the activity log.

We can only access this page when the server is configured to use basic log and trace mode. From the console...

   Troubleshoot > Logs and Trace > server name > IBM Service Logs.

Use this page to configure the IBM service log, also known as the activity log. The IBM service log contains both the WAS messages that are written to the stream and some special messages that contain extended service information that can be important when analyzing problems. There is one service log for all WAS Java virtual machines (JVMs) on a node, including all application servers and their node agent (if present). A separate activity log is created for a dmgr in its own logs directory. The IBM Service log is maintained in a binary format. Use the Log and Trace Analyzer or Showlog tool to view the IBM service log.

Enable service log

Specifies creation of a log file by the IBM Service log.

File Name

Name of the file used by the IBM Service log.

Maximum File Size

Maximum size in megabytes of the service log file. The default value is 2 megabytes.

When this size is reached, the service log wraps in place. Note that the service log does not roll over to a new log file like the JVM logs.

Enable Correlation ID

Generation of a correlation ID that is logged with each message.

We can use the correlation ID to correlate activity to a particular client request.

We can also use it to correlate activities on multiple application servers, if applicable.
Diagnosing problems with message logs
Configure the service log


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