Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Sets
Active key history collection
Use this page to manage key alias references. From the console...
Security > SSL certificate and key management > Manage endpoint security configurations > {Inbound | Outbound} > ssl_configuration > Key Sets > key set > Active key history.
Active key history buttons. This table lists the active key history buttons.
Button Resulting action Add key alias reference Add a reference to a key that already exists in a key store. If a key generation class is configured, the references are added automatically during generation and do not need to be added manually. Delete Delete an existing key reference. This action does not delete the key in the keystore. Generate key Generate a key. The button is displayed only if a generator class name is specified for the key set, and the selected key store is editable.
Alias reference
Name of the alias as it appears in the keystore.
Create an SSL configuration
Add key alias reference settings