Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Sets
Appliance settings
Use this page to change the settings for a DataPower appliance. Appliances are added to the DataPower appliance manager to synchronize the firmware, shareable appliance settings and managed domains of a group of appliances called a managed set. From the console...
Servers > DataPower > Appliances > appliance_name.
In the Domains section, you can expand Managed domains to view a list of the managed domains that are on the appliance, and the status of each of these domains. We can also expand Unmanaged domains to view the unmanaged domains that are on the appliance. Domains, by default, are not managed. Unmanaged domains are not copied to subordinate appliances in the managed set. Managed domains are copied to subordinate appliances in the managed set.
User-defined symbolic name for a DataPower appliance.
An appliance name must be unique, and cannot contain the following invalid characters: # $ @ \ / , : ; " * ? < > | = + & % '.
Host name
Specifies an IP address or the fully qualified host name of a DataPower appliance.
Administrative port
Specifies the XML management interface port used by the appliance.
User ID
User ID used by DataPower appliance manager to login to an appliance.
Password for the user ID provided.
Verify password
Also specifies the password for the user ID provided. If you change the password value, respecify the new value in this field to ensure that you entered it correctly.
Serial number
Serial number for the appliance. This field is read-only.
Appliance type
Appliance type, such as XA35, XS40, or XI50.
Licensed features
Comma-separated list of the licensed features that are on this appliance. All of the appliances in a managed set must have the same appliance type, model type and licensed features. Firmware has a list of the licensed features that are contained in the firmware. Any firmware that is loaded onto an appliance must have a list of licensed features that is compatible with the licensed features that are on that appliance.
Because managed sets contain appliances that all must be of the same appliance type, model type and licensed features, you cannot use a firmware with a managed set that has licensed features that are incompatible with the appliances in that managed set. If you attempt to load a firmware that has a list of features that is incompatible with the licensed features of the appliance, the firmware does not load, and an error message is issued.
Firmware level
Numeric level of the firmware that is currently on the appliance. Each firmware version in the DataPower appliance manager is for a specific appliance type, model type, list of licensed features, and level.
It is possible that a firmware version might already exist in the DataPower appliance manager that has the same appliance type, model type, list of licensed features, and level as the firmware that is currently on this appliance.
Firmware synchronization status
Whether the firmware version for an appliance is synchronized with the active firmware version for the managed set. The status is unknown if the appliance is not part of a managed set. If the appliance is part of a managed set, the status indicates whether the firmware that is associated with the appliance is synchronized with the designated firmware for the managed set.
This field is read-only. The following values might appear in this field:
Indicates that the firmware version for this appliance is the same as the firmware version for the managed set.
changes pending
Indicates that the firmware is being synchronized.
in progress
Indicates that the synchronization for the firmware on this appliance is currently being processed.
Indicates that the synchronization status for the firmware on this appliance is not known. Typically, this status indicates that the appliance manager has not yet contacted the appliance to get the synchronization status, or the appliance is not a member of a managed set.
Indicates that an attempt to synchronize the firmware that is associated with the managed set has failed because of an error on the appliance. The appliance did respond, but responded with an error. See the error log for the dmgr for more information.
Indicates that an attempt to synchronize the firmware on this appliance failed because the appliance is not responding. See the error log for the dmgr for more information.
Sets synchronization status
Whether the shareable appliance settings for an appliance are synchronized with the active settings version for the managed set. The status is unknown if the appliance is not part of a managed set. If the appliance is part of a managed set, the status indicates whether or not the sharable settings for the appliance are synchronized with the designated sharable appliance settings version for the managed set.
This field is read-only. The following values might appear in this field:
Indicates that the sharable appliance settings for this appliance are the same as the sharable appliance settings version for the managed set.
changes pending
Indicates that the synchronization for the sharable appliance settings on this appliance is queued.
in progress
Indicates that the shareable appliance settings are being synchronized.
Indicates that the synchronization status for sharable appliance settings on this appliance is not known. Typically, this status indicates that the appliance manager has not yet contacted the appliance to get the synchronization status, or the appliance is not a member of a managed set, or the appliance is not a member of a managed set.
Indicates that an attempt to synchronize the sharable appliance settings on this appliance failed because of an error. The appliance did respond, but responded with an error. See the error log for the dmgr for more information.
Indicates that an attempt to synchronize the sharable appliance settings on this appliance failed because the appliance is not responding. See the error log for the dmgr for more information.
Model type
Numeric value for the appliance model. Some model types include 9001, 9002, and 9003. Each appliance is assigned a model type.
Synchronization status
Combined status of the firmware synchronization, the sharable settings synchronization, and the managed domains synchronization for the appliance.
This field is read-only. The following values might appear in this field:
Indicates that the firmware, sharable appliance settings and managed domains for the appliance are synchronized with the active firmware, sharable appliance and domain versions for the managed set.
changes pending
Indicates that at least one firmware synchronization, sharable appliance settings synchronization, or managed domains synchronization is queued.
in progress
Indicates that the synchronization is currently being processed. The appliance has at least one firmware synchronization, settings synchronization, or managed domain synchronization active. Other firmware synchronizations, settings synchronizations, or managed domain synchronizations might also be pending for this appliance.
Indicates that the synchronization status is not known for at least one firmware synchronization, settings synchronization, or managed domain synchronization. Typically, this status means that the appliance manager has not yet contacted the appliance to get the management status. It is possible that other firmware synchronization, settings synchronization, or managed domain synchronizations are also pending or in progress for the appliance.
Indicates that an attempt to process a firmware synchronization, settings synchronization, or managed domain synchronization for this appliance has failed because of an error. The appliance did respond, but responded with an error on the appliance. This appliance might also have a management status of unknown, in progress or changes pending for a firmware synchronization, settings synchronization, or managed domain synchronization. See the error log for the dmgr for more information.
Indicates that an attempt to synchronize the appliance has failed because the appliance is not responding. This appliance might also have a management status of unknown, in progress, changes pending or error for a firmware synchronization, settings synchronization, or managed domain synchronization. See the error log for the dmgr for more information.
Name (in the Managed domains section)
Name of the managed domain.
Operational Status
Operational status of the managed domain. Each service inside of a DataPower domain on an appliance has an operational state of either enabled or disabled. The operational state of the domain in the DataPower appliance manager represents the aggregated operational status of all the service objects in the domain.
This field is read-only. The following values might appear in this field:
Indicates that all of the service objects in the managed domain on the appliance are enabled.
Indicates that the service objects in the managed domain on the appliance are a mix of enabled, disabled and unknown.
Indicates that all of the service objects in the managed domain on the appliance are disabled
Indicates that the state of the managed domain on the appliance cannot be determined. It is possible that the state has yet to be retrieved, or that communication to the appliance has been lost.
Synchronization status (in the Managed domains section)
Synchronization status of the managed domain on the appliance.
This field is read-only. The following values might appear in this field:
Indicates that the managed domain on this appliance is synchronized with the domain version for the managed set.
changes pending
Indicates that the synchronization is queued.
in progress
Indicates that the synchronization is currently being processed.
Indicates that the synchronization status is not known. The managed domain synchronization state for the appliance is unknown. Typically, this status means that the appliance manager has not yet contacted the appliance to get the management status.
Indicates that an attempt to synchronize the managed domain on the appliance has failed because of an error. The appliance did respond, but responded with an error. See the error log for the dmgr for more information.
Indicates that an attempt to synchronize the managed domain on the appliance has failed because the appliance is not responding. See the error log for the dmgr for more information.
Name (in the Unmanaged domains section)
Name of any unmanaged domain on the device.
Add DataPower appliances to the DataPower appliance manager