Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Sets
Resource references
Use this page to designate how the resource references of application modules map to the actual resources that are configured for the application. From the console...
Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications > application_name > Resource references.
We can also view this page during the Map resource references to resources step when you install an application.
- If the application uses any of the following resource types, you can set or reset their mapping configurations:
- Default messaging JMS queues destinations
- Default messaging JMS topic destinations
- Data source
- Generic JMS connection factory
- Mail session
- J2C connection factory
- JMS queue connection factory for the JMS provider of WebSphere MQ
- JMS queue destination for WebSphere MQ
- JMS topic connection factory for WebSphere MQ
- JMS topic destination for WebSphere MQ
- Unified JMS connection factory for WebSphere MQ
- URL configuration
- The page is composed of sections that correspond to each applicable resource type. Each section heading is the class name for the resource. If the application contains only one applicable resource type, you see only one section.
- Each section contains a table. Each table row depicts a resource reference within a specific module of the application.
- The rows contain the JNDI names of resource mapping targets for your references only if you bound them together during application assembly. We can modify those bindings on this admin console page.
- To set your mappings:
- Select a row. To apply the same mapping to multiple rows, complete the steps in the section, Set multiple JNDI names.
- Click Browse to view a new page listing of all resources that are available mapping targets for the application references.
- Select a resource and click Apply. The console displays the Resource references page again. The JNDI name of the selected resource mapping displays in the Target Resource JNDI Name field.
- Repeat the previous steps as necessary.
- If you are editing the resource references of an existing enterprise application, click OK. You now return to the general configuration page for your enterprise application. If you are installing the application and have completed the Map resource references to resources step, continue to the next step.
- For data sources and connection factories: Sections for these resource types contain an additional set of steps for modifying the security settings. Use the last column in the displayed table to view the authorization type for each resource configuration per application module. We can modify the corresponding authentication method only if the authorization type is container. Container-managed authorization indicates that the product performs signon to the resource rather than the enterprise bean code. The reconfiguring process differs slightly for each authentication method option:
- When to assign no authentication method to a resource:
- Determine which resource configurations to designate with no authentication method.
- Select the appropriate table rows.
- Click Modify Resource Authentication Method and select None from the authentication method options that are displayed above the table.
- Click Apply.
- When to assign the WAS DefaultPrincipalMapping login configuration to a resource:
- We must apply this option to each resource individually if you want to designate different authentication data aliases. See the topic, J2EE connector security, for more information about the default mapping configuration.
- Select the appropriate table rows.
- Click Modify Resource Authentication Method and select Use default method from the list of authentication method options that are displayed above the table.
- Select an authentication data entry or alias from the list.
- Click Apply.
- When to assign a trusted context to a resource:
- We must have a data source that is running at least DB2 v9.1 for z/OS, and the data source must have trusted context enabled.
- We must have a data source server that is running at least DB2 v9.1 for z/OS, and the data source must have trusted context enabled.
- Select the appropriate table rows that have trusted context enabled.
- Click Modify Resource Authentication Method and select Use trusted connections from the authentication method options that are displayed above the table.
- Select an authentication alias from the list that matches an alias that is already defined in the DB2 data source. If you do not have an alias defined that is suitable, define a new alias.
- Click Apply.
- To edit the properties of the custom login configuration, click Mapping Properties in the table cell.
- When to assign a custom JAAS login configuration to a resource:
- See the topic, J2EE connector security, for more information about custom JAAS login configurations.
- Select the appropriate table row.
- Click Modify Resource Authentication Method and select Use custom login configuration from the authentication method options that are displayed above the table.
- Select an application login configuration from the list.
- Click Apply.
- To edit the properties of the custom login configuration, click Mapping Properties in the table cell.
Set multiple JNDI names
Use this option to set the same JNDI name on multiple resources with one operation.
Click Set multiple JNDI names to display a menu of JNDI names. If you make a selection from this list, it is applied to the Target Resource JNDI Name field of all the selected rows of the table.
Modify Resource Authentication Method
Use this panel to toggle the display of a panel above the table rows.
This use of this panel is described in the For data sources and connection factories section.
Extended Properties
Use this panel to set additional properties on the selected resource.
Select a single table row and click Extended Properties to set additional properties on the selected resource. For more details on using this function, see the documentation on extending DB2 data source definitions at the application level.
Select the check boxes of the rows to edit.
The name of a module in the application.
The name of an enterprise bean that is contained by the module.
Specifies location of the module relative to the root of the application EAR file.
Resource Reference
The name of a resource reference used in the enterprise bean, if applicable, and is declared in the deployment descriptor of the application module.
Target Resource JNDI name
The JNDI name of the resource that is the mapping target of the resource reference.
Information Value Data type String
Login configuration
This column applies to data sources and connection factories only and refers to the authorization type and the authentication method for securing the resource.
Enable trusted context for DB2 databases
Create or changing a resource reference
Extend DB2 data source definitions at the application level