Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Sets
Find target resources
Use this page to find target resources for resource job parameters when you submit a job through the job submission wizard. This page is used for job types such as start server, stop server, and start cluster.
To access this page, first click Jobs > Submit. The job type that you select in step 1 of the Job submission wizard affects whether you can access the Find target resources page in step 3. For example, if you select the job type, start server, in step 1, then in step 3 you can select Find to access the Find target resources page.
We can use the Find option to determine the target resources to display. After you click Find, the Find results are displayed in Available resources common to all selected targets. Click Reset to assign the parameters the default values.
Find parameters. Specify Find parameters to limit the search for target resources.
Parameter names Operators Search strings Type The type is preselected to the type of resource option that you need for job submission. We cannot change the type. The list contains one or more values of Server, Application, or Cluster. Not applicable The remaining parameters define target resources and vary depending on the Type parameter selected. The target name, job type, and unique identifier parameters are always available. Valid operators include = (equal to), != (not equal to), is null, and is not null. String or partial string of a parameter. A partial string is designated using an asterisk (*). For example, setting the target resource parameter to Server* finds all server type resources that start with Server. We can search for an exact match for multiple items by including comma-separated items. For example, you can search on two resource names by entering server1, server2. When you search for more than one item, you cannot use the asterisk. Target names are included based on your operator choices.
Maximum results Not applicable Number of records that the find operation displays. Enter a value between one and the maximum number of records that can be retrieved as defined in the job manager configuration. Example: If the resources are server1, server2, and server3, you can specify the = operator and the server or server* search string for the resource name parameter.
Available resources common to all selected targets
Results of the find operation. If no choices are listed or you do not see the resource you want, you can search again. If your job is targeted to multiple targets, only those resources that are present on all targets will be listed. If at least one resource is listed, you can select one resource and click OK to return it to the parameter on the previous console page.
Administer nodes remotely using the job manager
Administer groups of nodes for the job manager
Submit jobs
Target group collection