Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Sets

Job manager settings

Use this page to view the Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) of the job manager, specify the polling interval to check for jobs on the job manager, and specify the web address of the job manager.

To view this page on the admin agent admin console, click System administration > Administrative agent > Nodes > node_name > Job managers > job_manager_UUID .

To view this page on the dmgr admin console, click System administration > Deployment manager. Under Additional Properties click Job managers > job_manager_UUID.


Specifies a Universal Unique Identifier (UUID), which uniquely identifies the job manager.

In an admin agent console, the UUID identifies the job manager to which the admin agent connects.

In a dmgr console, the UUID identifies the job manager to which the dmgr connects.

The UUID is read-only.

Polling interval

Specifies in seconds the time that elapses during a polling interval.

In an admin agent console, the admin agent uses the polling interval to determine how often to poll a job manager for new jobs for the registered node.

In a dmgr console, the dmgr uses the polling interval to determine how often to poll a job manager for new jobs.

The default value is 30 seconds.


Specifies a web address used to connect to the job manager.

In an admin agent console, the URL specifies the web address that the admin agent uses to connect to the job manager.

In a dmgr console, the URL specifies the web address that the dmgr uses to connect to the job manager.

The formats are http://host:port/otis/OMADMServlet or https://host:port/otis/OMADMServlet, where host is the host name of the job manager and port is the port of the job manager.
Administer stand-alone nodes using the admin agent


Administrative console buttons
Job manager collection
Configure dmgrs


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