Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Scripting the application serving environment (wsadmin) > Configure servers with scripting

Disable components using scripting

We can disable components by invoking operations with scripting and This topic describes how to disable the nameServer component of a configured server. We can modify the examples in this topic to disable other components.

There are two ways to complete this task. This topic uses the AdminConfig object to stop components in the environment. Alternatively, you can use the configureStateManageable script in the AdminServerManagement script library to enable and disable components. The wsadmin tool automatically loads the script when the tool starts. Use the following syntax to configure PMI settings using the configureStateManageable script:

AdminServerManagement.configureStateManageable(nodeName, serverName, parentType, initialState)
For additional information and argument definitions, see the documentation for the AdminServerMananagment script library.


  1. Start

  2. Identify the server component and assign it to the nameServer variable.

      ### Jacl

      set nameServer [$AdminConfig list NameServer $server]

      ### Jython

      nameServer = AdminConfig.list('NameServer', server)
      print nameServer

    Example output:


  3. List the components belonging to the server.

    List the components that are associated with the server, and assign the components to the components variable, as the following example demonstrates:

      ### Jacl

      set components [$AdminConfig list Component $server]

      ### Jython

      components = AdminConfig.list('Component', server)
      print components

    The components variable contains a list of components.

    Example output:


  4. Identify the nameServer component.

    Parse the components to identify the nameServer component, and assign it to the nameServer variable. Since the name server component is the third element in the list, retrieve this element by using an index of 2, as the following example demonstrates:

      ### Jacl

      set nameServer [lindex $components 2]

      ### Jython

      # get line separator
      import  java
      lineSeparator = java.lang.System.getProperty('line.separator')
      arrayComponents = components.split(lineSeparator)
      nameServer = arrayComponents[2]
      print nameServer

    Example output:


  5. Disable the nameServer component.

    Modify the nested initialState attribute belonging to the stateManagement attribute to disable the nameServer component:

      ### Jacl

      $AdminConfig modify $nameServer {{stateManagement {{initialState STOP}}}}

      ### Jython

      AdminConfig.modify(nameServer, [['stateManagement', [['initialState', 'STOP']]]])

  6. Save the configuration changes.

    Save the configuration changes:

  7. In a network deployment environment only, synchronize the node.

    Use the syncActiveNode or syncNode scripts in the AdminNodeManagement script library to propagate the configuration changes to node or nodes.

    • Use the syncActiveNodes script to propagate the changes to each node in the cell:

    • Use the syncNode script to propagate the changes to a specific node:

Use the wsadmin scripting AdminConfig object for scripted administration


Server settings configuration scripts
Commands for the AdminConfig object using


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