Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Secure applications and their environment > Set up, enabling and migrating security

Prepare for security at installation time

  1. Secure the environment before installation.

  2. Prepare the operating system for installation of WAS.

  3. Migrate security configurations from previous releases during installation, when you are prompted to do so. This step describes how to migrate security configurations from a previous release of WAS to WAS v8.0.

  4. We can create a profile either during or after install time.

    If you create a profile during install...

    • Administrative security is enabled by default

    • A panel is displayed during creation in which you can supply an administrative user ID and password which will be created in the default federated repository.

  5. The advanced profile creation panel allows you to change defaults for:

      root certificate Used to sign the personal certificate
      personal certificate Used to sign/encrypt data over the network

    Ensure that the root certificate has a long lifetime and the personal certificate a shorter one. Import the personal certificate and or root certificate. If the personal certificate is signed by the certificate authority, change the root certificate.

  6. Secure the environment after installation.


Secure the environment before installation
Secure the environment after installation


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