Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Secure applications and their environment > Authenticate users > Implement single sign-on to minimize web user authentications > Create a single sign-on for HTTP requests using the SPNEGO TAI (deprecated) > Configure WAS and enabling the SPNEGO TAI (deprecated)
Display SPNEGO TAI properties using the wsadmin utility (deprecated)
You use the wsadmin utility to display the properties in the configuration of the Simple and Protected GSS-API Negotiation Mechanism (SPNEGO) trust association interceptor (TAI) for WAS.
Deprecated feature:
In WAS Version 6.1, a trust association interceptor (TAI) that uses the Simple and Protected GSS-API Negotiation Mechanism (SPNEGO) to securely negotiate and authenticate HTTP requests for secured resources was introduced. In WAS 7.0, this function is now deprecated. SPNEGO web authentication has taken its place to provide dynamic reload of the SPNEGO filters and to enable fallback to the application login method. depfeat
Verify that end-user desktop browsers are configured to support SPNEGO authentication, that the SPNEGO TAI is enabled, that the JVM property is set and, that WAS is configured to enable the operation of the SPNEGO TAI. You use the wsadmin utility to configure the SPNEGO TAI for WAS:
- Start WAS.
- Start the command-line utility by running the command from the WAS_HOME/bin directory.
- At the prompt, run:
$AdminTask showSpnegoTAIPropertiesYou can use the following parameters with this command:
Option Description <spnId> This is an optional parameter. It is the service principal name (SPN) identifier for the group of custom properties that are to be displayed with this command. If not specified, all SPNEGO TAI custom properties are displayed.
SPNEGO TAI properties are displayed for this WAS.
Example 1
The following example displays all SPNEGO TAI properties. wsadmin>$AdminTask showSpnegoTAIProperties!=noSPNEGO;request-url%=snoop wsadmin>
Example 2
The following example displays SPNEGO TAI properties for SPN1 and host, wsadmin>$AdminTask showSpnegoTAIProperties -interactive Show SPNEGO TAI configuration properties. Display SPNEGO TAI configuration properties. Service Principal Name identifier (spnId): 1 Show SPNEGO TAI configuration properties. F (Finish) C (Cancel) Select [F, C]: [F] WASX7278I: Generated command line: $AdminTask showSpnegoTAIProperties {-spnId 1}!=noSPNEGO;request-url%=snoop wsadmin>
Configure WAS and enabling the SPNEGO TAI (deprecated)
SPNEGO TAI custom properties configuration (deprecated)