WAS v8.0 > Install the application serving environment > Distributed operating systems > Install the product
Verify the installation
We can verify successful installation of the product using the capabilities of IBM Installation Manager.
WAS v7 and earlier had an installation verification utility, the installver command, that would verify checksums of installed files against a bill of materials that was shipped with the product. In WAS v8.0 and later, where the installation is based on the Installation Manager rather than on InstallShield MultiPlatform (ISMP), the installver command is replaced by the verification capabilities of the Installation Manager.
- To verify installation of the product, you can use Installation Manager to find the product in the list of installed packages.
Perform one of the following actions:
- Change the directory to the eclipse/tools subdirectory of the Installation Manager binaries location and run this command:
./imcl listInstalledPackages
imcl listInstalledPackagesThis will display a list indicating which packages this Installation Manager has installed. For example:com.ibm.websphere.ND.v80_8.0.0.20110203_0234- Launch the Installation Manager GUI, and verify the installation by going to File -> View Installed Packages.
- If an installation was successful, the installed.xml file should contain a location element for the installed product.
For example, the following file:
installation_manager_root\properties\version\installed.xmlshould contain something like this:
<location id="IBM WAS V8.0" kind="product" path="/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer"> ..... </location>
<location id="IBM WAS V8.0" kind="product" path="C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer"> ..... </location>
- If you used the Installation Manager -log option during installation, you can verify that the resulting log file does not contain any errors.
If you used the following command to install the product silently for example:
./imcl -acceptLicense input /var/temp/install_response_file.xml -log /var/temp/install_log.xml -keyring /var/IM/im.keyring
imcl.exe -acceptLicense input C:\temp\install_response_file.xml -log C:\temp\install_log.xml -keyring C:\IM\im.keyringand the installation was successful, the install_log.xml file should contain something like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <result> </result>