Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > End-to-end paths > EJB applications > Implement EJB 2.x applications
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Develop EJB 2.x applications.
Step 2: Implement EJB 2.x applications JAX-WSWe can develop an EJB application or prepare an existing application. For Enterprise JavaBeans™ (EJB) 2.x CMP entity beans, you can use the partial update feature to specify how to update the persistent attributes of the CMP bean to the database. This feature is provided as a bean-level persistence option, called PartialOperation, in the access intent policy configured for the bean.
Support information (generally applicable)
- Develop enterprise beans
- Develop EJB 2.x enterprise beans
- Develop EJB 2.x entity beans that use access intents
- Develop entity beans
What to do next
Assemble EJB 2.x applications.
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