Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > End-to-end paths > Communications enabled applications > Configure external web service providers to use CEA
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Install and configure the IP PBX.
Step 2: Configure external web service providers to use CEA JAX-WS
Restriction: The IP PBX must support the ECMA TR/87 protocol. Complete the following actions to set up a sample PBX application that you can use for unit testing in the absence of an official PBX.
Enable the system application.
- Start the application server. We must start the application server where you deploy the sample PBX application.
- Install the SIP IP PBX sample application. This sample application is located in the installableApps directory of the CEA samples package.
- We can use the Fast Path option when installing when installing the application using the admin console, and no changes to the default (Fast Path) settings are required.
- In an initial demonstration or test environment, it is acceptable to install the sample IP PBX application to the instance of WAS that hosts one or more communications enabled applications. When this approach is taken, the default CEA settings can be used in cases where the application server is configured to utilize the default SIP_DEFAULTHOST port (5060); it is unnecessary to make any changes to the CEA settings using the admin console or wsadmin.
- Start the application.
Support information (generally applicable)
- Start an application server
- Directory conventions
- Install enterprise application files
- Start or stopping enterprise applications
What to do next
Configure the IP PBX location.
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