Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Set up the application serving environment > Administer nodes and resources > Administer nodes remotely using the job manager

Check job status

In a flexible management environment, you can check the overall status of jobs, the status of specific job targets, and the job history of targets. We can suspend, resume, or delete jobs on the Job status collection page.

Before you can check the job status, have registered at least one target with the job manager and submitted a job for the target.

To suspend a started job, resume a suspended job, or delete selected jobs, your ID must be authorized for the operator role.

After you submit a job using the job manager console or the dmgr console, the Job status collection page is displayed. The page contains information about only the job that you submitted. The page shows the unique job ID; for example, 122763380912576341. We can use the job ID to query, suspend, resume, or delete the job. The page also shows the job description, state, time of activation, time of expiration, and status.

If you access the Job status collection page by selecting Jobs > Status in an admin console navigation, you can use the Find option to limit the number of jobs that are displayed based on the criteria you specify. The first time you access the Job status collection page, no jobs are listed. We must enter parameters for the Find option to obtain a list of jobs based on the parameter information that provided. The next time you select Jobs > Status , a list of jobs is displayed based on the parameters you last specified on the Find option for this job manager administrative console page. We can then optionally modify the Find option criteria to display a different set of jobs. After at least one job displays, you can check the status of the displayed jobs, the status of specific job targets, and the job history for targets of a particular job.

This topic describes how to use the job manager console to check job status. Instead of using the console, you can run a getJobTargetStatus wsadmin command; for example:

AdminTask.getJobTargetStatus('[-jobToken 122763380912576341]')
The job token is the job ID for the submitted job. Run the Jython script command from the bin directory of the job manager profile. See the AdministrativeJobs command group topic.



You might have run a Find operation to display job status based on criteria that you specify, checked the status of jobs at their targets, checked the jobs history of targets, suspended a job, resumed a job, or deleted a job.

What to do next

We can continue to check job status and do other job management tasks such as submit other jobs, create target groups for job submission, view target resources, or view targets.


Job status collection
Job manager
Set up a job manager environment
Administer nodes remotely using the job manager
Administrative roles


Job status settings
Job status history collection
AdministrativeJobs command group using


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