Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Administer applications and their environment > Administer Scheduler service > Manage schedulers > Create the database for schedulers > Create scheduler tables using DDL files
Create Oracle tables for schedulers
This topic describes how to create tables for schedulers on Oracle databases, using data definition language (DDL) or structured query language (SQL) files. This task requires you to configure a database and make it available. Refer to the Creating Oracle databases for schedulers topic for more information. To create tables for schedulers on Oracle databases, using data definition language (DDL) or structured query language (SQL) files, use these steps.
- Open a command-line window.
- Make sure that we have administrator rights for the database system.
- Create the table space and schema.
- Use a text editor, edit the following scripts according to the instructions at the top of the files.
Tip: When setting the table prefix, capitalize all characters.
%WAS_HOME%\Scheduler\createTablespaceOracle.ddl and %WAS_HOME%\createSchemaMod1Oracle.ddl- Set the environment variable ORACLE_SID, if you do not want the schema to be created in the default instance.
- Run the script, createTablespaceOracle.ddl, to create the table space.
For test purposes, use the same location for all table spaces and pass the path as a command line argument to the script.
For example, the user ID is scheduser, password is schedpwd, database name is scheddb, and table space path is d:\mydb\ts. Enter the command: sqlplus scheduser/schedpwd@scheddb @createTablespaceOracle.ddl d:\mydb\ts If you get any errors creating the table space, you can use dropTablespaceOracle.ddl to drop the table space.
- Run the script, createSchemaMod1Oracle.ddl, to create the schema.
For example, enter the following script:
sqlplus scheduser/schedpwd@scheddb @createSchemaMod1Oracle.ddlIf you see any errors creating the schema (tables and views), you can drop the schema by running script:dropSchemaMod1Oracle.ddl
The Oracle tables and schema for scheduler exist.
Create Oracle databases for schedulers
Data source minimum required settings, by vendor