Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Command-line utilities
retrieveSigners command
The retrieveSigners command creates a new client self-signed certificate, keystore, and SSL configuration in the ssl.client.props file. Using this command you can optionally extract the signer to a file.
For more information about where to run this command, read about Use command tools.
Use the following command syntax to create a new client self-signed certificate, keystore, and SSL configuration in the ssl.client.props file.
retrieveSigners <remoteKeyStoreName> <localKeyStoreName> [options]The <remoteKeyStoreName> and <localKeyStoreName> parameters are required. The following optional parameters are available:[-remoteAlias aliasFromRemoteStore] [-localAlias storeAsAlias] [-listRemoteKeyStoreNames][-listLocalKeyStoreNames] [-autoAcceptBootstrapSigner][-uploadSigners] [-host host] [-port port][-conntype JSR160RMI|RMI|SOAP|IPC][-user user] [-password password] [-trace] [-logfile filename] [-replacelog] [-quiet] [-help]
The following parameters are available for the retrieveSigners command:
The name of a truststore that is located in the server configuration from which to retrieve the signers. This parameter is typically the CellDefaultTrustStore file for a managed environment or the NodeDefaultTrustStore file for an unmanaged environment.
The name of the truststore that is located in the ssl.client.props file for the profile to which the retrieved signers is added. This parameter is typically the ClientDefaultTrustStore file for either a managed or unmanaged environment.
-remoteAlias <aliasFromRemoteStore>
Specifies one alias from the remote truststore to retrieve. Otherwise, all signers from the remote truststore are retrieved.
-localAlias <storeAsAlias>
Determines the name of the alias stored in the local truststore. This option is only valid if you specify the –remoteAlias option. If you do not specify the -localAlias option, then the alias name from the remote truststore is used, if possible. If an alias clash occurs, then the alias name is used and has an incremented number appended to the end of it until a unique alias is found.
Sends a remote request to the server to list all keystores that you can specify for the remoteKeyStoreName parameter. Use this command when you are unsure of the name of the remote truststore from which to download the signers.
Lists the keystores located in the ssl.client.props file that you can specify for the localKeyStoreName parameter. This truststore receives the signers from the server. Use this parameter when you are unsure of the name of the local truststore into which you want to retrieve the signers. The default name of the truststore is ClientDefaultTrustStore and is located in the ssl.client.props file.
Automatically adds a signer to make a secure connection to the server. The purpose of the option is to support automation of the command so that you do not need to accept the signer. After the signer is added to the local truststore, an SHA hash prints so that you can verify the certificate.
Converts the signer download into a signer upload. The signers from the localKeyStoreName parameter is sent to the remoteKeyStoreName parameter instead.
-host <host>
Target host from which the signers are retrieved.
-port <port>
Specifies the target administrative port to which to connect. We must specify the port based on the -conntype parameter. If the conntype is SOAP, the default port is 8879. This value can vary for different servers. If the conntype is RMI, the default port is 2809.
-conntype <JSR160RMI|IPC|RMI|Soap>
Determines the administrative connector type used for the MBean call to retrieve the signers.
Deprecated feature: Eventually switch from the RMI connector to the JSR160RMI connector because support for the RMI connector is deprecated.depfeat
-user <user>
When the -uploadSigners flag is used, you are required to specify this option to supply the user name that is authenticated for the MBean operation. If not specified when the -uploadSigners flag is used, then you are prompted for credentials by default.
-password <password>
When the -uploadSigners flag is used, you are required to specify this option to supply the password that is authenticated for the MBean operation. The password goes along with the –user parameter.
When specified, this parameter enables tracing of the trace specification necessary to debug this component. By default, the trace is located in the profiles/profile_name/log/retrieveSigners.log file.
-logfile <filename>
Overrides the default trace file. By default, the trace will appear in the profiles/profile_name/log/retrieveSigners.log file.
Causes the existing trace file to be replaced when the command runs.
Suppresses most messages from printing to the console.
Prints a usage statement.
Prints a usage statement.
Usage scenario
The following examples demonstrate correct syntax for using the retrieveSigners command:
The following example lists remote and local keystores:
retrieveSigners.bat -listRemoteKeyStoreNames -listLocalKeyStoreNames -conntype RMI -port 2809 [Windows systems] -listRemoteKeyStoreNames -listLocalKeyStoreNames -conntype RMI -port 2809 [Unix systems]Example output
CWPKI0306I: The following remote keystores exist on the specified server: CMSKeyStore, NodeLTPAKeys, NodeDefaultTrustStore, NodeDefaultKeyStore CWPKI0307I: The following local keystores exist on the client: ClientDefaultKeyStore, ClientDefaultTrustStoreThe following example retrieves all signers from NodeDefaultTrustStore:
retrieveSigners.bat NodeDefaultTrustStore ClientDefaultTrustStore -autoAcceptBootstrapSigner -conntype RMI -port 2809 [Windows] NodeDefaultTrustStore ClientDefaultTrustStore -autoAcceptBootstrapSigner -conntype RMI -port 2809 [Unix]Example output
CWPKI0308I: Adding signer alias ", O=IBM, C=US" to local keystore "ClientDefaultTrustStore" with the following SHA digest: 40:20:CF:BE:B4:B2:9C:F0:96:4D:EE:E5:14:92:9E:37:8D:51:A5:47
Use command-line tools
Use the retrieveSigners command in SSL to enable server to server trust