Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Administrator best practices

Message processor counters

These service integration bus message processor counters are part of the performance monitoring infrastructure (PMI), which provides server-side monitoring and a client-side API to retrieve performance information.
Monitor overall system health


PMI data organization
Service integration bus counters

Counter definitions

To see lists of available PMI counters, use the admin console to navigate to Monitoring and Tuning > Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) > server_name

> [General Properties] Custom.

The headings for each table show how to navigate to the counters in the admin console.

Message processor counter definitions: Queues. server_name

> SIB Service > SIB Messaging Engines > messaging_engine_name > Destinations > Queues

Name Key ID Description Granularity Type Level
AggregateMessageWaitTime QueueStats.AggregateMessageWaitTime 18 The time spent by messages in the bus at consumption. If this time is not what was expected then view the message in the admin console to decide what action needs to be taken. Per destination CountStatistic Low
AssuredPersistentMessagesConsumedCount QueueStats.AssuredPersistentMessagesConsumedCount 16 The number of Assured Persistent messages consumed, for the lifetime of this messaging engine. Per destination CountStatistic Low
AssuredPersistentMessagesProducedCount QueueStats.AssuredPersistentMessagesProducedCount 10 The number of Assured Persistent messages produced, for the lifetime of this messaging engine. Per destination CountStatistic Low
AvailableMessageCount QueueStats.AvailableMessageCount 21 The number of messages available for a queue for consumption. If this number is close to the destination high messages value then review the high messages value. Per destination CountStatistic Low
BestEffortNonPersistentMessagesConsumedCount QueueStats.BestEffortNonPersistentMessagesConsumedCount 12 The number of Best Effort Non-persistent messages consumed, for the lifetime of this messaging engine. Per destination CountStatistic Low
BestEffortNonPersistentMessagesProducedCount QueueStats.BestEffortNonPersistentMessagesProducedCount 6 The number of Best Effort Non-persistent messages produced, for the lifetime of this messaging engine. Per destination CountStatistic Low
ExpressNonPersistentMessagesConsumedCount QueueStats.ExpressNonPersistentMessagesConsumedCount 13 The number of Express Non-persistent messages consumed, for the lifetime of this messaging engine. Per destination CountStatistic Low
ExpressNonPersistentMessagesProducedCount QueueStats.ExpressNonPersistentMessagesProducedCount 7 The number of Express Non-persistent messages produced, for the lifetime of this messaging engine. Per destination CountStatistic Low
LocalConsumerAttachesCount QueueStats.LocalConsumerAttachesCount 3 The number of times an attachment has been made to this queue by local consumers. The lifetime of this value is the lifetime of the messaging engine. Per destination CountStatistic Low
LocalConsumerCount QueueStats.LocalConsumerCount 4 The number of currently attached local consumers. Per destination CountStatistic Low
LocalMessageWaitTime QueueStats.LocalMessageWaitTime 19 The time spent by messages on this queue at consumption. If this time is not what was expected then view the message in the admin console to decide what action needs to be taken. Per destination CountStatistic Low
LocalOldestMessageAge QueueStats.LocalOldestMessageAge 20 The longest time any message has spent on this queue. If this time is not what was expected then view the message in the admin console to decide what action needs to be taken. Per destination CountStatistic Low
LocalProducerAttachesCount QueueStats.LocalProducerAttachesCount 1 The number of times an attachment has been made to this queue by local producers. The lifetime of this value is the lifetime of the messaging engine. Per destination CountStatistic Low
LocalProducerCount QueueStats.LocalProducerCount 2 The number of currently attached local producers. Per destination CountStatistic Low
ReliableNonPersistentMessagesConsumedCount QueueStats.ReliableNonPersistentMessagesConsumedCount 14 The number of Reliable Non-persistent messages consumed, for the lifetime of this messaging engine. Per destination CountStatistic Low
ReliableNonPersistentMessagesProducedCount QueueStats.ReliableNonPersistentMessagesProducedCount 8 The number of Reliable Non-persistent messages produced, for the lifetime of this messaging engine. Per destination CountStatistic Low
ReliablePersistentMessagesConsumedCount QueueStats.ReliablePersistentMessagesConsumedCount 15 The number of Reliable Persistent messages consumed, for the lifetime of this messaging engine. Per destination CountStatistic Low
ReliablePersistentMessagesProducedCount QueueStats.ReliablePersistentMessagesProducedCount 9 The number of Reliable Persistent messages produced, for the lifetime of this messaging engine. Per destination CountStatistic Low
ReportEnabledMessagesExpiredCount QueueStats.ReportEnabledMessagesExpiredCount 17 The number of report enabled messages that expired while on this queue. Per destination CountStatistic Low
TotalMessagesConsumedCount QueueStats.TotalMessagesConsumedCount 11 The total number of messages consumed from this queue, for the lifetime of this messaging engine. Per destination CountStatistic Low
TotalMessagesProducedCount QueueStats.TotalMessagesProducedCount 5 The total number of messages produced to this queue, for the lifetime of this messaging engine. Per destination CountStatistic Low
UnavailableMessageCount QueueStats.UnavailableMessageCount 22 The number of messages locked or uncommitted, this means messages that have been added or removed but the transaction has not been committed yet. If this number is high then check which messages are locked and why. Per destination CountStatistic Low

Message processor counter definitions: Topic spaces. server_name

> SIB Service > SIB Messaging Engines > messaging_engine_name > Destinations > Topicspaces

Name Key ID Description Granularity Type Level
AssuredPersistentLocalSubscriptionHitCount TopicspaceStats.AssuredPersistentLocalSubscriptionHitCount 116 The cumulative total of subscriptions that have matched Assured Persistent publications. Per destination CountStatistic Low
AssuredPersistentMessagesPublishedCount TopicspaceStats.AssuredPersistentMessagesPublishedCount 110 The number of Assured Persistent messages published Per destination CountStatistic Low
BestEffortNonPersistentLocalSubscriptionHitCount TopicspaceStats.BestEffortNonPersistentLocalSubscriptionHitCount 112 The cumulative total of subscriptions that have matched Best Effort Non-persistent publications. Per destination CountStatistic Low
BestEffortNonPersistentMessagesPublishedCount TopicspaceStats.BestEffortNonPersistentMessagesPublishedCount 106 The number of Best Effort Non- persistent messages published Per destination CountStatistic Low
DurableLocalSubscriptionCount TopicspaceStats.DurableLocalSubscriptionCount 104 The number of durable subscriptions. Per destination CountStatistic Low
ExpressNonPersistentLocal SubscriptionHitCount TopicspaceStats.ExpressNonPersistentLocalSubscriptionHitCount 113 The cumulative total of subscriptions that have matched Express Non-persistent publications. Per destination CountStatistic Low
ExpressNonPersistentMessagesPublishedCount TopicspaceStats.ExpressNonPersistentMessagesPublishedCount 107 The number of Express Non- persistent messages published Per destination CountStatistic Low
IncompletePublicationCount TopicspaceStats.IncompletePublicationCount 119 The number of publications not yet received by all current subscribers. If this number is unexpected then view the publication in the admin console to take any actions. Per destination CountStatistic Low
LocalOldestPublicationAge TopicspaceStats.LocalOldestPublicationAge 118 The longest time any publication has spent on this topicspace. If this time is not what was expected then view the message in the admin console to decide what action needs to be taken. Per destination TimeStatistic max
LocalPublisherAttachesCount TopicspaceStats.LocalPublisherAttachesCount 100 The number of times an attachment has been made to this topicspace by local producers. The lifetime of this value is the lifetime of the messaging engine. Per destination CountStatistic Low
LocalPublisherCount TopicspaceStats.LocalPublisherCount 101 The number of local publishers to topics in this topicspace. Per destination CountStatistic Low
NonDurableLocalSubscriptionCount TopicspaceStats.NonDurableLocalSubscriptionCount 103 The number of non-durable subscriptions. Per destination CountStatistic Low
ReliableNonPersistentLocalSubscriptionHitCount TopicspaceStats.ReliableNonPersistentLocalSubscriptionHitCount 114 The cumulative total of subscriptions that have matched Reliable Non-persistent publications. Per destination CountStatistic Low
ReliableNonPersistentMessagesPublishedCount TopicspaceStats.ReliableNonPersistentMessagesPublishedCount 108 The number of Reliable Non- persistent messages published Per destination CountStatistic Low
ReliablePersistentLocalSubscriptionHitCount TopicspaceStats.ReliablePersistentLocalSubscriptionHitCount 115 The cumulative total of subscriptions that have matched Reliable Persistent publications. Per destination CountStatistic Low
ReliablePersistentMessagesPublishedCount TopicspaceStats.ReliablePersistentMessagesPublishedCount 109 The number of Reliable Persistent messages published Per destination CountStatistic Low
ReportEnabledPublicationExpiredCount TopicspaceStats.ReportEnabledPublicationsExpiredCount 117 The number of report enabled incomplete publications that expired while on this topicspace. Per destination CountStatistic Low
TotalLocalSubscriptionCount TopicspaceStats.TotalLocalSubscriptionCount 102 The number of local subscriptions to topics in this topicspace. Each subscription is counted once, even if the topic includes wildcards. Per destination CountStatistic Low
TotalLocalSubscriptionHitCount TopicspaceStats.TotalLocalSubscriptionHitCount 111 The cumulative total of subscriptions that have matched topicspace publications. Per destination CountStatistic Low
TotalMessagesPublishedCount TopicspaceStats.TotalMessagesPublishedCount 105 The total number of publications to this topicspace. Per destination CountStatistic Low

Message processor counter definitions: Durable subscriptions. server_name

> SIB Service > SIB Messaging Engines > messaging_engine_name > Destinations > Topicspaces > topic_name > DurableSubscriptions

Name Key ID Description Granularity Type Level
AggregateMessageWaitTime DurableSubscriptionStats.AggregateMessageWaitTime 206 The time spent by messages in the bus at consumption. If this time is not what was expected then view the message in the admin console to decide what action needs to be taken. per mediated destination TimeStatistic High
AssuredPersistentMessagesConsumedCount DurableSubscriptionStats.AssuredPersistentMessagesConsumedCount 205 The number of Assured Persistent messages consumed, for the lifetime of this messaging engine. per mediated destination CountStatistic Low
AvailabeMessageCount DurableSubscriptionStats.AvailableMessageCount 209 The number of messages waiting to be consumed. per mediated destination CountStatistic Low
BestEffortNonPersistentMessagesConsumedCount DurableSubscriptionStats.BestEffortNonPersistentMessagesConsumedCount 201 The number of Best Effort Non-persistent messages consumed, for the lifetime of this messaging engine. per mediated destination CountStatistic Low
ExpressNonPersistentMessagesConsumedCount DurableSubscriptionStats.ExpressNonPersistentMessagesConsumedCount 202 The number of Express Non-persistent messages consumed, for the lifetime of this messaging engine. per mediated destination CountStatistic Low
LocalMessageWaitTime DurableSubscriptionStats.LocalMessageWaitTime 207 The time spent by messages on this durable subscription at consumption. If this time is not what was expected then view the message in the admin console to decide what action needs to be taken. per mediated destination TimeStatistic High
LocalOldestPublicationAge DurableSubscriptionStats.LocalOldestPublicationAge 208 The longest time any message has spent on this subscription. If this time is not what was expected then view the message in the admin console to decide what action needs to be taken. per mediated destination TimeStatistic Max
ReliableNonPersistentMessagesConsumedCount DurableSubscriptionStats.ReliableNonPersistentMessagesConsumedCount 203 The number of Reliable Non-persistent messages consumed, for the lifetime of this messaging engine. per mediated destination CountStatistic Low
ReliablePersistentMessagesConsumedCount DurableSubscriptionStats.ReliablePersistentMessagesConsumedCount 204 The number of Reliable Persistent messages consumed, for the lifetime of this messaging engine. per mediated destination CountStatistic Low
TotalMessagesConsumedCount DurableSubscriptionStats.TotalMessagesConsumedCount 200 The total number of messages consumed from this durable subscription. per mediated destination CountStatistic Low


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